Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Okay…so I ended up buying a little more for them than I had planned.  But, I really liked buying these things for them.  I try to buy different things than just regular toys since they get so many typical things (trucks, tractors, etc.) from grandparents.  The boys got two big Thomas tracks set and lots of Thomas trains…and some dress up clothes, leaf blowers, and playdough sets.  We made sure we had two of everything because we have learned that is THE only way to have a happy christmas right now.  IMG_0699IMG_0700IMG_0702I couldve bought Larkin so much more but I didn’t buy her that much because she really doesn’t ever play with toys…at the time, she just wasn’t at that stage yet…or was living on my hip.  Now, as I type this, she has a room full of girl toys and she doesn’t play with any of them…she chooses the boys’ toys! :(  She has two dolls that she loves to snuggle with but she doesn’t play with really anything else girly.  SO SAD!IMG_0703

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