Friday, February 22, 2013

I just don't know

How much more I can take of this sickness. We were back at gc again this morning. Waited an hour. This time we did leave with an antibiotic for all. Triggers pattern of low grade fever for 5ish days and then going up to almost 103 concerned her. She said thinks all of us started with cold and our bodies are just doing different things. She thinks ts is a sinus infection. Ts cough sounds HORRIBLE. In fact, he threw up yesterday. And I don't know if I have told y'all this...okay yes I know I have told you but I'm going to tell you again... He is a mean sick person. Sickness and trigger don't make a good pair. He doesn't do the laying around. He just turns mean and angry.

Campbell cough sounds worse than triggers. But be hasn't run fever in days.
Larkin- her lungs were clear. Ptl! But her left ear is infected and her right tube is clogged. Apparently my child has thicker than normal fluid sooo they get clogged easily. So, one ear gets hydrogen peroxide drops three times a day. The other ear gets antibiotic drops. This doesn't work well for someone who still gets a teeny tiny bit confused about left and right. So, she got an antibiotic. And we also discussed her immune deficiency. She will be tested again in may. If things aren't better, "we will have to discuss long term" which sounded a little more serious than I wanted to hear today. We might be on preventive antibiotics and I'm not sure what else. Anyway, that's neither here nor there...point is that we got antibiotics today. And I hate to be the drug seeker parent but I want to walk in and say "give me the juice". OR "shoot up amongst us Bc somebody's got to have some relief." Neither would sound right coming from my mouth. I'm pretty sure dr Slusher would fall out of her chair if I said something along those lines. However, after 8 long days of three whiny children cooped up in my house, I was ready to walk down that hall announcing something.
Oh and Larkin peed all down my shirt and jeans while we were there.
And all over the floor...puddled up ...the diameter of a kitchen chair seat.
And it splattered all over my Kelly moore bag.
AND, got on and in my shoe.
I've got to hand it to her, that's some nice bladder control to hold all of that in!
I think she'll most definitely end up a teacher.

When we came home, we all changed clothes to rid ourselves of the germs. Trigger took it upon himself to change Campbell's clothes. Which is fine with me. I need all the help I can get. However, I am pretty sure c got slapped around a few times for not listening. :(

And a few seconds later, they changed clothes again. I do no wonder why I have so much laundry.
I KNOW!!!!

Watched a little more tv...and napped. I wish I could say I napped Bc these people are wearing me OuT! But I didnt. I argued and fussed and tried to stay calm with my 4.5 yr old. :)

Matt came home a little early Bc he bought a gun that we had to pick up in homer. Why did he need a new gun...oh you know...gun control. It was a good deal. Gotta get it while I can Bc you won't be able to find one next week. It was really my version of what I say to him about buying kids clothes. But I don't think he realized that I knew that! And I certainly wasn't going to let him in on my tactics.
My babies didnt feel great but wanted to go and I really needed to get out of the house. So we rode in the car. When we got there, my husband was in the store for approximately 38.5 minutes. Not that I was counting. Larkin had had it! DONE! So I fed her goldfish. Bc all good mommas keep old ziploc bags of goldfish in their diaper bag. I would know she was ready for another by the picture below. Love that little hand! This kept her entertained.

The only problem was that when we were headed back home from homer, she had a coughing fit (and you really should've heard the three of was like a pediatric coughing ward!) and she kind of spit up. Then she coughed again and threw up. And coughed again. And threw up. Soooo...we WERE headed to pick up Johnny's but we had to make a quick detour to drop me and Larkin off at our house. I unlatched the carseat and just carried her and the carseat into the laundry room. Got her undressed and bathed.

Then, I commenced to taking that britax carseat apart. Let me just say, I now know why they are the best and most expensive carseats. I'll have to hire an engineer to put it back together. I have never taken apart such a difficult seat. I was a master at the infant carrier. Poop out. Throw up. Spit up. No problem. Changed in no time. Britax, no ma'am. It's going to be a long project. Thankfully, we have another seat just like it so I can use it for a guide.

I've now handed out two decongestants, two antibiotics, three doses of Motrin, ear antibiotic drops, hydrogen peroxide, albuterol breathing treatment, pulmacort breathing treatment, and just finished breastfeeding my baby. I think I am done for today.

People don't prepare you that there will be days like this when you become mom!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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