Thursday, February 14, 2013


I love having fun things to take the kids to on the weekends.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I like to just stay home and relax on the weekends but it is nice to have some fun activities planned.  This was our first year at the agexpo.  Every other year, Matt has been working that Saturday OR I have just had a baby.  I was so excited to take the boys because Campbell is OBSESSED with tractors.  OBSESSED!  We ready books after books after books about tractors.  I think Liz has bought C every tractor book that has been written.  Trigger loves tractors too but Campbell likes them a lot more! 

Holding baby chicks..IMG_1255IMG_1258IMG_1261Larkin looked at that baby chick like..what the heck is that…I am NOT impressed and then she leaped forward and grabbed it around the neck and squeezed really hard.  It all happened in seconds.  Matt pried her hands off the poor baby chick that was still breathing (thankfully).  IMG_1267The boysIMG_1269The girls…doesn’t Larkin looked thrilled with this whole adventure!IMG_1270IMG_1282IMG_1285IMG_1287T and C hopped from tractor to tractor for the longest time.  We had to bribe them to get them to leave!!!!!  It really was such a great outing.  It was crowded but so worth it!IMG_1288

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