Okay…so where to start. Your birthday was on January 6th. This last year has been filled with ups and downs. We have been thankful for each every moment…even though sometimes we would have changed some things if it had been in our power. Since we couldn’t, we tried to remain thankful throughout the down times and REALLY tried to put things into perspective because it could ALWAYS be worse! Before we go through your stats and the events of your birthday, lets review your first year.
- Jan 2012- You were born; several weight checks
- Feb 2012- 1 month appointment
- March 2012- 2 month appointment; you had your first virus; you went to your first birthday party (Uncle Ivin/Aunt Liz’s 60th party); At the end of the month, you had the flu
- April 2012- Tested positive for RSV; went to your first egg hunt; End of your first tax season :); you went to the hospital to be there for the birth of your cousin, Jake; You got your first ear infection (left ear); you had your first ER visit; you fell and fractured your skull; you had a PICU visit
- May 2012- 4 month appointment; visited Green Clinic four times for ear infections
- June 2012- Went for a neuro appointment; visited green clinic a couple of times for ears; celebrated your brothers 2nd birthday; Attended your first vacation bible school at Temple; Went on your first beach trip; Attended your first peach parade
- July 2012- 6 month appointment; had another neuro checkup; Went on your second beach trip; Went to see dr. slusher for ears; Went to see Dr. Neal for ears; celebrated Trigger’s 4th birthday
- August 2012-
- September 2012- Went on your first trip to Houston…and first time to see the Astros play; Saw Dr. Slusher for your discoloring nails; Had another neuro check-up; watched your brother play soccer; had ANOTHER double ear infection; Went to Uncle Lance’s Wedding
- October 2012- 9 month appointment; Your ears still didn’t clear up; got your first antibiotic (3 days) and steroid shots; got your flu shot; Took your first pumpkin patch pictures; Dr. Neal put tubes in your ears; attended Hood family reunion; dressed up as a pumpkin for your first Halloween; diagnosed with IGA deficiency
- November 2012- Your daddy was gone for 2 weeks in Asia.; You had your last neuro appointment- skull fracture HEALED!; Saw immunologist/allergist for the first time
- December 2012- You had your baby dedication at church; you went to your first friend party, Ella- Cate’s birthday; you celebrated your first Christmas
Your stats: Weight- 18lbs 12oz. (14%) ; height- 29 inches (40%…there is no way that this measurement is right because you have been between the 4th and 11th percentile forever and were just measured the week before your birthday and were 27.5 inches); head circumference- 45.2cm (54%)
Let me hit the highs for you: You have 8 teeth, you are still nursing five times a day (yes, I know that is ridiculous but both of your doctors say it is important with your IGA deficiency), you are wearing 9-12 month pajamas and 12 month clothes, You take 1-2 naps a day…you need 2 but we don’t always have time because of road travel to get brothers to and from school, you now have enough hair to clip a bow in, you have learned how to pitch a fit like with the whole body falling out and kicking feet while screaming…dr slusher said this is more of a 18-24 month behavior…so that right there probably means you are a genius…haha!, you still don’t eat great- prefer bread and cheese, you have taken steps but really aren’t interested in walking..in fact, if you think that we are all hyped up about it and trying to get you to take steps you refuse to even stand and become jelly legged…it HAS to be your idea…are we seeing a pattern here…a little scary, isn’t it!
For your birthday (it was a Sunday), Matt and I both went in to get you up and tell you Happy Birthday. I nursed you and then you enjoyed a cinnamon roll (without icing)…don’t you look excited in this picture.
Then, we all got dressed and went to church, you haven’t been to church in months because all three doctors have strongly advised us to not send you. Well, I decided that since it was your bday, I wanted us to go.
I did, however, keep you with me the whole time. You stayed on my hip the entire two hours…minus the time I nursed you. We stayed in the nursing room and watched Dr. Rick preach from the tv. Our nursing room has little stalls (for lack of a better term) and each has it’s own glider and tv…so she wasn’t being exposed to germs. I know she didn’t care but OH my word it was so good to get out and go to church. I have missed it so much!
After lunch at Peking and naps, we opened presents. Your big brothers were such a big “help”.Check out this girl…bracelet on her wrist and a phone in her hand.
And, then we sang happy birthday to you…I think that was the third time! and had cupcakes….strawberry..because they had to be pink. :)
you were NOT fond of getting your hands dirty!
I can’t believe a year has gone by…when I think back to a year ago when I got the news at 5pm on January 5th that I would be having a csection the next morning, I was a nervous wreck…so scared. So scared that something would be wrong with your kidneys, heart, growth, lungs etc. You had stopped growing for a month in my belly…it could have been bad. BUT, instead, you were healthy…came out screaming…not a single second in the NICU. It was a huge, huge blessing. YOU were such a huge, huge blessing to us. God made you strong…I am so thankful for that! I seriously am utterly amazed when I think of how many odds were against us (Hypertension that was out of control for a lot of my pregnancy, my two blood clotting disorders, AND you had the two vessel cord)…you are an absolute MIRACLE!!!
We love you, baby girl!!!!
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