Saturday, February 23, 2013

A little bit of nothing.

Today has not been my finest of days. In fact, poor Matt and Liz (and maybe a friend or two) were getting ranting texts from me ALL day. It was rough. And that doesn't even begin I describe. I will say this. I think I would've rather gone to the dentist than do this day over.
Larkin is still not feeling well and had low grade fever again tonight. AND I think I heard wheezing.
The boys are past the 24 hr fever mark but still have horrible coughs.
I don't feel particularly skippy.
Lets recap the day. We got up. All earlier than I cared to. Trigger always wakes around 5/530. Campbell and Larkin usually will sleep until 730/8 but both were up at 645 (or maybe earlier...I'm a hard sleeper so I might have slept through them for a little while. I know, right? I must be a horrible mom!)
We all got dressed. And I use that term "dressed" lightly Bc I'm not sure our attire would fall into the "dressed" category. Apologies to all people we saw today.
We loaded up to go get some was sort of a necessity Bc we had no food.
At some point, Campbell came up to me and wanted me to take his picture. :)

Then I remembered that my darling daughter had thrown up in her complicated carseat. Which I had not put back together. Because my husband is awesome and knew me, he KNEW that I wouldn't be able to get the carseat put back together with three sick children. So, he drove back home around 6am and dropped off his carseat outside.
What would have been even more awesome? If he had installed it in my car as well. So I realized last min that I needed to latch it in. I left all the kids in the mud room. I was having some issues with the carseat. Could it have been that it weighs as much as a small adult. Or maybe that my children kept beating on the door. Then I heard trigger, momma. Momma. Momma. Come here. I walk over. Frustrated from the car seat issues. I go inside and Campbell had climbed up on top of our laundry room counter and was thumbing through our mail slots...which contain everything but mail! It is truly a treasure chest for kids! I helped him down and literally said (in a uncommonly used calm voice) "Campbell don't climb up on the counter." And I turned to go back outside.
MELTDOWN central! Campbell was wailing. Then Larkin started wailing Bc I looked her direction but did not pick her up... How dare I?!
Get the carseat in and then went to changed shoes...while Campbell followed me screaming "I want your hair!!!!!!!!!!" Over and over.

I sat down to put on my shoes and he was happy for two seconds Bc he had my hair to twirl...he stands behind me and twirls it...I'm not sure if I should be all like "awwww" or if I should sign him up for some kind of therapy. Oh and i asked why he was crying " made me so sad". Hes learning to express hisself....finally. Now if we can teach him to skip the whole crying, snotty, meltdown and just go straight to the "here's the problem I'm having with you"
We got our donuts. Took some coffee to Matt. The children acting like angels for that 2 minutes...naturally.
I came home to work on kool kids while Larkin napped but she didnt nap.

So I loaded everyone up and went to Walmart. Bc all crazy people with 3 sick kids head that direction!!! That is a TRUE statement! Because no sane people do that! It was 40 minutes of crying and complete and total embarrassment. In fact, I'm not going to relive the details because it would be boring and because I left there understanding why so many moms end up in dr Phil as closet drinkers. It's because they took their kids to Walmart! On a Saturday. While they were sick.
And for those of you that are mad because I spread germs, I really look down on people who did that BUT, someone got my people sick Bc they sent their snotty children to school. AND technically, mine were 24 hours fever free AT the time. Until Larkin had fever come back tonight. Anyway, doesn't matter. We did it. I didnt have a choice. My spouse is working nonstop and we had no milk, bread or fruit...

Sorry if this grosses you out. But for those that don't know what ear drainage looks like every time your child gets an ear infection after have surgery to get tubes, THIS is an example. Yuck! This came out of larkins ear today.

I left Walmart and was no longer laughing about my difficult day. I was on the verge of tears. And I don't cry. Like ever. Unless I'm pregnant. But mostly it never happens. The Walmart trip was just that bad. Then, we were headed home and my little angel did what we, with little children, all dread! She fell asleep in the car. Since my children are not adaptable, they can't really be transferred. So, she had refused morning nap. And this was the second and last attempt. Sigh

Random but I found this picture below of my niece. We have all thought Larkin is a mixture of Matt and Anna grace but after seeing this picture, I'm just not so sure anymore.

I have to end on a happy note! Because my parents love me soooooooo much and were probably a tiny bit concerned about my stability, they offered to come keep the kids so that Matt and I could run to supper. Let me tell you. I am NOT a high maintenance person. Really! That's the truth. I'm not. You give me an hour with my husband to decompress, and I am back on track. We had a quick supper at log cabin.
Never underestimate what one hour away from your children can do for your mind!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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