Larkin turned 8 months on September 6, 2012. Even though we didn’t have an official appointment, I did have to take her to the doctor the other day for them to check something so I know her weight. She weighs 15 lbs 12 ounces.
What are you up to these days? You are sitting up, of course. You are scooting all over the place…and by scooting, I mean that you are belly crawling. You do get up on all fours and crawl for one little movement forward and then fall to your belly and just pull your body around with your arms. In the last few days, you have learned to get yourself back into sitting position. You will get on your side and push up with your arms until you are in sitting position. This is great for you but not so great for Momma because you are having a grand time sitting up in your bed playing instead of napping. I lay you down and you get into sitting position and play, play, play. Ha!
You now have two teeth on the bottom (the middle ones)…and your fang tooth on the right side. The left fang is probably through but I havent checked it in the last couple of days…your middle top teeth aren’t far behind.
You are eating two meals a day…when I actually stop to feed you…but you DEFINITELY get one meal a day. If we are busy (like today I went to the mall), then we just skip a meal. Poor baby. You mostly eat oatmeal (because you don’t like rice cereal) and you have eaten most fruits and veges. Because was sitting around twiddling my thumbs all day with absolutely nothing better to do….hahahahahaha…I have started making all of your baby food. It is actually not that hard and soooo much healthier for you…it kind of makes me mad at myself for not doing it with Trigger and Campbell. I have made sweet potatoes, carrots, guacamole, apples, pears, bananas, and something else but cant remember right now. It was kind of fun to make it…I took the time one morning and made a months worth all at one time. AND, I figured up the cost difference. It cost me 23 dollars to make a months worth and if I had bought that much, it wouldve been 75 dollars. WOW! That is a huge saving!
You are still taking two naps a day…when we are home. I would say that those are close to the times of 9:30 and 1….but that changes daily depending on when we get home from taking Trigger to school, if we have to go anywhere, etc.
I put you down at night between 7 and 730 and you sleep until at least 730….most of the time it’s 8 before you wake…sometimes even 830/9. YAY!
I am still nursing you…about five times a day. You get very distracted…and your brothers are the best at walking in and getting you distracted!
You have the greatest smile…your face and you EYES light up when you smile!!!!

You are wearing size 6 month dresses…9 month bubbles (some 6 month still fit)…9 month pjs but we are about to have to move up because your toes are at the end. Your feet are soooo tiny. You are still wearing size 0 sandals and size 1 keds that are too big.
You are having separation issues. You are fine as long as Matt or I have you but you aren’t fond of anyone else holding you…especially if you are the least bit tired. Usually if you are distracted and I can get out of sight, you are fine. 
Because you are rolling, scooting, sitting, etc., you are pretty content to play on the floor in our den for awhile without me right there with you…that is a HUGE help to me!!!!!
You really are a great baby! Even if you are tired, you are usually fine being held. You smile ALL the time…just like Trigger did as a baby!!!!
I absolutely adore this picture below…I WILL be blowing it up and putting it in our house!!!!!!
Happy 8 months, baby girl!!!!!!!!