Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I ask that quite often around here…like “really?  did that just happen”  “Really?  am I really having to say that?”  “Really? am I really cleaning up ___”  “Really? Did you REALLY think that was a good idea?”  I know I shouldn’t be so surprised…and in a way I am not…but I am just constantly amazed at what I witness around here.  I usually try to take pictures of things that I find around the house that make me say “really?” but if it’s terrible and requires immediate assistance I have to forgo the picture taking.  Here are a few pictures I ran across when uploading my iphone pics.

While feeding Larkin one morning, I hear Campbell saying “Mommy…Mommy…Mommy”.  I thought for sure he was in the pantry because that was his usual spot.  However, I could tell the “mommy”s were getting a little more urgent.  I stopped feeding Larkin and went to find him.  He had wedged his way behind our armoire in the den.  NO IDEA HOW….and he was stuck back there.  He had taken his milk back there and he had unplugged a few things.  I had to move the armoire to get him out…REALLY?IMG_3005I heard a shuffling coming down the hall.  Campbell appears and was wearing both of these buckets like shoes. HaIMG_3007Trigger asked if he could borrow one of my spatulas to cook in his kitchen.  I said sure.  I hand it to him.  I walk over to the playroom to check on him a few minutes later to find this….I mean, REALLY?!?!  He broke the spatula down into four pieces…HOW!?!  sigh!IMG_3053Walked in the kitchen to find him swinging away…IMG_3056I walked into the den to find Campbell like this…GUILTY!!!  He had gotten my coke and TRIED to drink it…do you see it ALL down him and all over our chair.  YEP, we need plastic covered furniture!IMG_3066I think I had taken a shower and gotten out to see this…Trigger decided to have a picnic and gotten several things out of the pantry.  Don’t you love that he is serving tennis shoes!IMG_3078This cracks me up.  I went to get Trigger out of the car at a store.  He didn’t have any shoes on…I panicked…surely I had checked to make sure he had shoes on before we left the house.  I quickly asked “Trigger, where are your shoes?”  He pointed behind his carseat.  He had hung both of his flip flops on the hooks in the back.  I just don’t know why you would even do that?!?IMG_3199

Trigger got one of my pots and decided he needed real food for his kitchen…so he got some goldfish and some lemon poppy seed bread.  I’m guessing that I was feeding Larkin…that’s when most things happen!IMG_2628

I went to get some strawberries out of the fridge…this is what I found.  I’m guessing it was Trigger but who knows!IMG_2692

THis is all me…but I still had the “really” feeling when I looked at it.  THIS is my life…I have to be super prepared especially if we have to all be somewhere early in the morning.  Sunday’s are one of the chaotic times.  I try to lay everything out on Saturday night.  I get all the things that the kids will wear and put them in our closet.  I still can’t believe that I have three little people to dress!!!!!IMG_2921

This one is all ME….Matt cleaned out my tahoe before we traded it in.  He found ALL of these in the console area.  YEP, I apparently like to be prepared!  I mean…who knows when you will be stranded on the side of the road and need to teach a little lesson.  :)  That is an absurd amount of sharpies and highlighters.  Matt was like “when could you possibly need a highlighter when driving down the road?”  HAHA!IMG_2963

Soooo funny…our life is definitely not boring…anything but it!  In fact, it’s quite entertaining!

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