Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Campbell turned TWO!

Right after my birthday, my sweet Campbell turned TWO…on June 3rd.  I am in a tad bit of shock that my baby boy is TWO.  WHAT?!?!  Where did this past year go?  I will have to do a whole post about Campbell at two but right now I want to post what we did on his birthday. 

Let’s back up a day….after the zoo and celebrating my bday, we got everyone bathed and ready for bed.  Matt was sitting with Campbell getting ready to put him down like he does every night while I put down Larkin.  Well, this night I got done a little early with Larkin…so, I got a few pictures of Campbell as his last time to be ONE.  THen, I casually mentioned that I might want to put him down since it was his last time to be one.  Matt said that he might want to put him down too…and that I might mess his routine up…REALLY?!?  SERIOUSLY?!?!  I mean, who is running this place…well, he is….but you know what I mean.  I am the MOMMA!  Im pretty sure I have got the ROUTINE down pat!  So, I won and I put him down!  IMG_4165

IMG_4169IMG_4170Poor Campbell got greeted the next morning with a camera in his face.  And, for the record, I did not dress him in his pjs…Matt did…I wouldn’t have put him in snowflakes for all of his bday pictures.  Oh well…we wear our pjs until they stop fitting regardless of the season.  ;)IMG_4180Campbells birthday card.  Trigger signed his name…I’d say we have some work cut out for us, huh?  IMG_4176We got Campbell a tricycle because he LOVES to get on Trigger’s bike.  IMG_4186Trigger had a really hard time with the entire day…he would have preferred that the day be about him and the presents be FOR HIM!  haha!!!IMG_4192Do you see the pouty face!IMG_4197IMG_4205IMG_4207IMG_4208IMG_4212IMG_4214Campbell got  a cinnamon roll for his breakfast.  IMG_4222IMG_4225IMG_4227IMG_4229After breakfast, we quickly got dressed and went to church.  Miss priss was feeling a little left out so here is a picture of her…this was her first time to wear her sandals.  They are size 0 and are HUGE on her.  She has short feet…no idea where that comes from.  IMG_4234The boys after church.IMG_4237The typical picture of the boys…IMG_4239After naps, Zizzy and Poppy came over to deliver one of Campbell’s presents.  He was a TAD excited…can’t you tell?!?!IMG_4251I mean, what boy doesn’t dream having their very own tractor?IMG_4255IMG_4260IMG_4263Once again, Trigger was a little bit jealous so he had to have a turn.IMG_4266

Campbell had a great birthday!  We had a little family birthday party this year.  I didn’t invite any of our friends or his friends this year…mainly because I waited until the LAST minute!  I will post about that another time….it’s vbs week and 10:10pm and I still have to cut out a ton of stuff!

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