After two horrible months of sickness...mainly with Campbell. He had one thing after another and after several ear infections that just wouldn't go away, we were finally sent to dr Neal. We scheduled tubes, adenoid tissue removal, and sinus irrigation. Both boys had tubes put in last year but we had not done the adenoid/sinus irrigation route. This time, dr Neal and I really felt it was necessary. It is a little bigger deal bc he had to have an iv and be intubated...So, Thursday morning came. We got to the surgical hospital at 630. We are so blessed to know people at the surgical center. Our nurse, mrs Debra, has known my family FOREVER...she went to school with my mom and has been friends with my parents (daddy and Liz) for a long time. Our nurse anesthetist is one of our friends from church (and I taught two of their children). And, our dr, of course, is the best ent and I have known him for a long time! So, it made our visit a little more comfortable and a little less nerve racking.
Campbell looked so precious in his gown!! And, he had his boots on...bc no gown is complete without cowboy boots! :)

Mrs. Debra checked his vitals.

He got some feel good medicine that made him feel OH-SO-GOOD! So much so that I wish they would've given me a swig. Ha!
He was gone for about 35-45 minutes. I nursed Larkin while he was back there. It's ALWAYS interesting juggling all three...especially when one is in surgery and one is breastfeeding/literally attached!
When he came out, he was out!

And I mean, OUT! But that lasted only a short will notice that I don't have pictures of the next phase (that we were told would last 30 min) lasted an hour an half...that was not so pleasant. He kicked and screamed and cried and kicked and screamed and KICKED. Oh and he bucked and kicked some more. Oh and he tried to rip out his iv...that was miserable!!!

After the hour and a half, he went back to sleep.

Do you see his poor iv hand? So sad.

Once we got home, we kept lortab in him for the first day and Tylenol for several days after that. He did really well. He was fussy for a couple of days but we expected that!
It's crazy what a difference I can see in him. He was one sick boy for those several, he's back to his normal self!
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