Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Campbell’s Birthday Party

We had Campbell’s party on June 9th…about a week after his actual birthday.  I am truly a procrastinator and really didn’t plan AT all for his birthday.  I waited until 2 weeks before and decided that I probably should get something together.  We strictly had family over because I waited so late….I didn’t even have time to get invitations so I had to make them myself…I am telling you, this party was sooo not like me.  I usually have a million ideas of things that I want to do and have this wonderful vision in my head where everything coordinates with the theme..this year there was NONE of that!  I don’t really know why.  I was a tad disappointed in myself and felt a little guilty.  BUT, I have to say that it was probably the most laid back party that we have ever had!  It was easy….our house, family, ordered Hot Rods for supper, ice cream cake and a super one cake…it was just easy. 

The decorations…again it was very easy.  Usually I spend so much time, MONEY, and energy in decorating our house for parties.  This party, I did not.  The theme was supposed to be ORANGE tractors.  BUT, as you can see, most of the tractors…actually all of the tractors…are NOT orange.  I literally sent Trigger into our playroom and told him to collect all of the tractors in there and bring them into the kitchen for me.   A few minutes later I had all the decorations that I needed.  I used burlap that I already had.  The favors were reeses pieces in mason jars.IMG_4272IMG_4273IMG_4274IMG_4275IMG_4276I did make this banner but it did not take long and I used materials that I had in our craft closet.  The picture frames I had already and I just blew up some pictures that I had taken of Campbell on Poppy’s orange tractor.  IMG_4277AND, as far as what we did, we PLAYED.  The cousins (and some of the men..ha!) played outside.  IMG_4278IMG_4281IMG_4283IMG_4285We ate some Hot Rods and then we had some cake.  This is one of his cakes, ice cream cake…the other one was hideous but tasted yummy (from super one…my fav cakes..but I like mine really cold, straight out of the fridge).  Campbell was so funny when we were singing..I think he was a little embarrassed that everyone was looking at him.IMG_4290IMG_4291IMG_4293Mamaw with my little bow head!IMG_4295IMG_4298IMG_4303Poppy and LarkinIMG_4305Seth and JakeIMG_4306Vanna and ReidIMG_4308After cake, we opened presents.  Guess who tried to take over?!?!?!  Gotta love a big brother!IMG_4312IMG_4318IMG_4323Campbell decided at his party that he would start driving his truck…let’s just say that he drives a little like his momma and is a tad out of control!IMG_4372IMG_4375IMG_4381Trigger, believe it or not is an AWESOME driver.  He will get close to something on purpose and dodge it at the last minute…and he always misses.  He has great control…even though Uncle Seth did not trust his dodging skills.  HA!IMG_4385The party wore this girl out!IMG_4389Guess what…because it was so laid back, I did not get one single pictures of our family…oops!IMG_4396

Happy Birthday to my sweet little Campbell.  I so LOVE that he is my baby boy!!!!  I can’t believe that he is TWO!  CRAZY!!!!!!! 

Now I guess I should start thinking about Trigger’s birthday since it is in a month.  Ha…guess I’ll be winging this one too!!!! :)  That’s the name of the game here lately!

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