Monday, June 11, 2012

My Birthday

My birthday was on June 2nd.  I wouldn’t say that I spent my birthday exactly how I would’ve chosen.  If I had had my way (haha), I would’ve gotten a massage (which hasn’t happened but once since I have been married) and a mani/pedi….ahhhh, that would’ve been very relaxing.  Instead, we loaded the kids up and drove 2.5 hours to the tyler zoo.  I had been wanting to take them because I knew how much they would enjoy it.  I was nervous about the long ride because, in general, Larkin HATES the car….even if we are going at top speed.  However, I fed her and THREW her in the car.  She does okay if you use that method.  If you feed her and wait thirty minutes, it will be a failure because she is tired by that point and getting cranky.  Anyway, I was surprised by how good all three of the kids did on the way there and on the way home.  Larkin only cried a few times…for short periods.  She either slept or just looked around for the rest of the time. 

First, let me say that I had to have pictures of the three kids in their matching outfits.  ORANGE is our favorite color around here!  AND, I have found that it is THE best color for traveling, parks, outings, etc. because it stands out and you can find your child easily.  Therefore,  I try to dress them in it for occasions like these!  I’m so glad that I took their pictures before leaving the house because Larkin had pooped out by the time we got there….isn’t that terrific?

IMG_4122IMG_4134IMG_4135we had to take TWO strollers…yes, we did!  THAT is what happens when you have three little ones!!!IMG_4148IMG_4154IMG_4155

IMG_3303IMG_3306Everyone napped for part of the way home and we were sooo thankful!!!  It truly couldn’t have been a better experience.  Larkin even stayed in her stroller the whole time…she only got fussy right before we left and that was because she was sooo tired…she even fell asleep before in the stroller before we made it to the car.  I mean, really, I was sooooo impressed with how well the day went! 

After we got home, we let the boys play, I fed Larkin and then we went to pick up an ice cream cake.  YUMMY!  IMG_4162

So, it wasn’t a relaxing spa treatment by any stretch of the imagination BUT, at LEAST we got to go to the zoo and all were happy!

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