Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Campbell’s Party

Like I said in an earlier post, I sort of talked Campbell into having a beach ball/splash party theme.  I’m really bad about doing that.  Matt makes helicopter noises all the time and tells me that I am the fun monitor…that I have to monitor how much fun is being had and make sure it is given out in certain doses.  I sure love him and his honesty!  HA! I will admit that I am SORT OF…just slightly…a control freak.  Don’t we all tend to want control?!?  Just say YES!  Anyway, we had a beach ball theme.  I think the pictures can really speak for themselves…oh except that let me say that this was Campbell’s first party to have other people  besides relatives. 

Larkin and Aunt DeannaIMG_4282IMG_4290Larkin and HallieIMG_4299Lots of friendsIMG_4306IMG_4308Look at Ella-Cate sliding.  Precious girl!IMG_4319We had some green sand with some sea shells buried but im not sure anyone really even touched it.  IMG_4325Mallory and Thomas.IMG_4327Cousin Anna Grace and Trigger…they are getting so big!IMG_4331More peopleIMG_4333IMG_4335I went the easy route and did PBJ sandwiches, watermelon, goldfish, and pretzels.  SUPER EASY!IMG_4336IMG_4337Mrs. Nancy made Campbell’s cake this year….I finally caved…matt has been begging me for years to let someone else make the cake.  Well, I did it!  And I have to say…it was nice giving up that little bit of control.  IMG_4343IMG_4345Being shy while everyone sang to him.IMG_4350IMG_4352Tucker and RhettIMG_4354IMG_4358Thomas enjoyed his ice cream!IMG_4364IMG_4379IMG_4382I was quite impressed.  I thought Campbell would have a hard time saying thank you..become all shy…and then start having meltdown fits.  However, he surprised me and told almost everyone thank you.  They might not have heard over the roar of the huge fan we had under the patio but he said it!IMG_4419This was the sign leading to the back.  IMG_4424

Seriously, I think I am getting better with each party.  I LOVE parties but I am trying to gain a little perspective and realize that they don’t have to be a party that martha stewart would throw.  I would love to throw those kind of parties.  BUT, mean mommy comes out when I have to get all of that done.  This still required some work but NOTHING like what I usually think I can accomplish!  And the great thing is that the kids didn’t know…the have fun no matter how much or little I do in the way of decorations/food/etc. 


I tried to get a few pictures of Larkin in this white outfit.  It is so sweet!  She actually wore this outfit last year.  It is a 6 month outfit and she can still wear it.  THAT has to be one of the best things about having a girl….you can get way more use out of clothes than you can with boys.IMG_4168Looking at these pictures sort of makes me a little sad because larkin got sick about 3 weeks ago and lost 2 lbs in a week and we are struggling to get her back up on her weight.  She doesn’t really have as chunky of arms/legs anymore.  IMG_4175where is your belly button?IMG_4208IMG_4212Where is larkin?IMG_4216IMG_4219IMG_4234 copyThat afternoon, while still wearing the white outfit, Larkin was standing by our brick hearth.  She wasn’t playing.  just standing there.  she literally just fell forward and busted her chin.  BLOOD EVERYWHERE.  I took her to see Dr. Moak because she wouldn’t let me look at it and I knew she was bleeding from the inside and outside of her mouth.  I needed to make sure her tooth hadn’t gone all the way through.  it hadn’t.  But, she left a nice mark on her face and a nice bit of blood on her white outfit!IMG_4428IMG_4438

I must find a picture that I have of Trigger like the one above.  I would love to compare.  They look so much alike to me.

Oh and she also chipped her front tooth but I can’t remember if it was from the incident above.  I think it was from something different.  seriously, they are going to do me in!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Fun- June

We had lots of fun in June…here are a few snapshots…IMG_3986IMG_4011IMG_4050IMG_4062LOOK at that chunk!!!!  shes not so chunked up anymore!IMG_4091Trigger went to an art camp.  There is a lady in our neighborhood that has Everything Artsy and does art classes.  It took awhile for everyone to get signed in and Trigger got a tad bored waiting.  see below! Ha!IMG_1965IMG_1969They painted the blue dog.  I think Trigger’s looks like a blue llama.  BUT, I LOVE it!!!!!!!!IMG_4132AND, last but not least, I did LOTS of prep work for VBS!!!!!!IMG_2161

Campbell turns THREE

Campbell turned three on June 3, 2013.  I still can’t believe it.  Campbell is my baby boy so I don’t always treat him like the big boy that he is.  Well, I say that but I believe in some ways that we expect more from him than most parents do of their three year olds…because he and trigger are usually a package deal so most of the time they have the same rule/expectations.  My poor little campbell he is so helpless.  I love him so much but he says “I caaaaaint (can’t)” a million times a day.  HELPLESS! 

I had to take a few pictures of Campbell on his last night as a two year old.  IMG_1946IMG_1954Campbell woke up to balloons in his room.  IMG_1961We had cinnamon rolls.  Campbells had candles and we sang happy birthday to him.  Look at that sheepish grin.  He was a little embarrassed by the attention…it was just the five of us but he still gets embarrassed.IMG_4108IMG_4110We let Campbell open a present that morning and the rest he opened that night.IMG_4112IMG_4117We had spaghetti for supper because that is Campbell’s absolute favorite!  Then, he got to have a Cars cake.  I sort of talked him into having a beach ball/splash party.  I felt kind of guilty so I got him a cars cake for us to have.IMG_4120He was a little excited.  IMG_4124Afterwards, and this came in VERY last minute, the boys got to open their JOINT big present.  IMG_4127A blow up slide.  The were thrilled and ready to go outside!IMG_4130IMG_4136IMG_4143Do you think they liked it?IMG_4151IMG_4153

I think Campbell’s birthday was fun.  I can’t believe he is three. 

Here’s a few little tidbits about Campbell at three that I want to remember.

  • He is THE sweetest child one minute and the grumpiest child the next.  He can be like an ornery old man at times.  ha!
  • Campbell still plays with his hair and sucks on  his fingers…I think we will need to start nipping this little habit soon.  BUT, as of right now, it helps him get to sleep quickly and I am thankful for that. 
  • He loves Trigger.  Trigger can irritate the daylights of of Campbell but he ALWAYS wants to play with Trigger.  I LOVE seeing their little relationship and bond grow!
  • He weighs 34lbs and is 37inches tall.  I don’t think he will be the tallest boy in his class….definitely takes after my side of the family.  He just has a lot more petite frame than Trigger had. 
  • He finally, after LOTS of persistence, is a pretty good eater.  Let’s just say that that wasn’t an easy journey. 
  • Campbell LOVES outside, tractors, trucks, woody, and lightning mcqueen.
  • He sleeps with a bed full of animals and his two “B”s but doesn’t really hold any of them.  They just kind of surround him.
  • Campbell is a great sleeper but he is wild.  He has a full size bed and he makes laps around it and occasionally sleeps completely under pillows/sheets.  Campbell sleeps from around 8pm (which will have to be earlier in about a month) until whenever I go get him out of bed…which is usually 8am.
  • He doesn’t take naps every day.  He could if I had the energy to put him down.  Campbell usually fights when it’s time to go down for nap. 
  • He speaks very clearly and pretty much has from the moment he decided to start talking (which was later than what the text book says).  Total opposite of Trigger.  He still says a few things wrong and I can’t correct him now.  He “yars” for “yours” and “ours”.  LOVE IT!  I can’t describe how he says trigger’s name but it is so cute! 

I’m sure there are a million things more to say…I KNOW there are a million more things! He is such a sweet  child.  I’m sad because he is my first baby…I thought for sure that he would be my baby forever so he sort of always will be my baby.  I just have two babies.  My baby boy and my baby girl.