Thursday, April 4, 2013

herding cats

a few weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to take some spring pictures of my children…I really haven’t experienced anything such as this…it was like their ADD kicked into overdrive.  They were so overwhelmed by the different places that we went that most of the pictures ended up with their faces stuck in the “duh” expression.  very strange because it’s not like they never have their picture taken.  anyway, I made liz tag along…which was nice for the help because the whole day (because it ended up being a long process) was like herding cats.  here are the best that I got…and these aren’t even edited yet.IMG_2263IMG_2265IMG_2274 (2)IMG_2277IMG_2280IMG_2307IMG_2329IMG_2340Miss priss pretty much had this face the whole day…she was ticked off and wanted to go home.  Was NOT a fan of the grass or really anything that we did that day.  IMG_2373oh wait…except when Liz would swing her around which really stressed me out because I just knew her arms were going to come out of socket at any moment.  IMG_2376IMG_2398IMG_2404IMG_2421

We changed locations…and this was absolutely hysterical.  they look ridiculous…IMG_2437IMG_2445IMG_2456IMG_2457IMG_2475IMG_2486IMG_2494IMG_2499And another location…IMG_2506IMG_2530

There are more..but I’ll do another post of these award winning (HAHAHAHA) pictures. 

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