Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter at Mamaws

This was THE most laid back that it has ever been at Mamaws.  I have to be honest, it is usually VERY chaotic..there are 13 great grandchildren…most are VERY young.  It’s WILD.  The weather was nice so we stayed outside almost the entire evening.  The kids always have fun playing together.  I know it’s quite unusual that we still get together with our first cousins and their children for almost every holiday.  But I am thankful that my papaw instilled the importance of family time and making it a priority for all of us to be together as often as we can.  It is HARD…I won’t lie…it’s very hard to plan time for all of us to get together.  But, we make it work!  Mamaw is so sweet.  She had four different sections for the kids to hunt eggs.  The babies started first.  Larkin, Abigail, and Jake are in this category.  They were all three born within four months of each other.  Larkin is the oldest, then Abigail, and then Jake.  IMG_3009IMG_3011IMG_3024IMG_3028IMG_3029The next group was Campbell, Reid, Andrew, and Caroline.  Andrew is the oldest at 3.5, then caroline is a couple months younger than andrew.  Campbell is 6 months younger than Andrew.  These four were all born within a year of each other.  IMG_3039Reid, Campbell, Andrew, and CarolineIMG_3053Then, it was the big boys turn.  The big boys are Trigger, Josiah, and Brannon.  They were all born within 4 months of each other.  Trigger is the oldest.  Then Brannon and then Josiah.IMG_3068IMG_3070IMG_3071Brannon, Josiah, and TriggerIMG_3081I didn’t get a picture of the big girls hunting eggs.  But the big girls are Abby, Meredith, and Sydney. 

We did get a great group shot of the great grandkids with mamaw.  WOW.  That is a lot of children!  And the crazy part is that that’s just from five of the seven grandchildren.  Two of the grandchildren haven’t even started having children.  IMG_3094Here’s the five of us…again.IMG_3102AND, my mamaw and Trigger.  Mamaw got each of the great grandchildren a couple of toys for Easter.  They were so excited!  We are so thankful to have a grandmother like her.  She has spent her life taking care of others…such a servant.  I hope I can be like her!IMG_3109

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