Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two “big” events

Two “big” things have happened in the last week.  They aren’t technically BIG but in our boring lives, I would consider them big….

1. Campbell had his 9 month appt on March 22, 2011…It’s a little late (he was 9 months on March 3rd) because of him being sick.  Dr. Slusher wanted him to finish his antibiotic before coming back in….that way we could check his ears to make sure that the medicine did it’s job.  His ears were clear of infection but were both filled with fluid which is just a setup for another infection.  We have been referred to Dr. Neal and have an appt. on April 8th.  I suspect we will follow the same plan as Trigger which was to see Dr. Neal…wait for another ear infection, come in, and have tubes put in.  BUT, I am not an ENT so I could be wrong.  All I know is that I am TIRED of dealing with ear infections…in case you were counting, Campbell has had four since December and Trigger has had 8 (maybe 9) since October….In the last SIX months, someone in this household has had an ear infection. YUCK!!!  Anyway, back to C’s appt…Let me share his stats which are not true 9 month stats but more like 9.5 months.  I’m gonna give you percents from  my app…they are a little different that Dr. Slushers (I think she uses Amer Academy of Ped…and mine uses some world something).

Weight: 18 lbs. 7 oz. (13th percentile).  Dr. Slusher said that he probably would never be one of her big kids but he was growing on his curve…poor child…guess he’ll be petite! Time will tell!

Height: 28.5 inches (48th percentile)

Head Circumference: I’ll have to look that up and add in a minute…it’s not in my app for some reason.  I can tell you that he has a little peanut head like his momma and definitely NOT like his daddy!

Dr. Slusher checked him over really good…she said everything looked good EXCEPT that his maxillary labial frenum (the piece of tissue connecting his upper lip and his gum) is “thick”.  I had never noticed it but it’s so far down that it’s between his front middle two teeth so they will not grow together (leaving him with a gap).  He will most likely have to have it cut when he gets older…probably when he gets permanent teeth.  It can cause speech and feeding problems.  I have noticed that Campbell doesn’t make a complete fish face when nursing and here lately, it’s been kind of painful to nurse him…it feels as if his top teeth are constantly digging into me.  It makes sense now because he can’t really bring his lip away from his teeth too much.  That was the biggest news of the appointment.  She asked me about vitamins…and I had to tell her that he gets them occasionally…and by occasionally, I mean like maybe 5 times…I HATE vitamins…I know they are good for them but those liquid ones are just gross.  PLUS, Campbell has already been a challenging child to feed and I’m not rocking that boat by shoving something in his mouth that is disgusting.  So, I asked if we could start using flinstone vitamins and flouride pills (like Trigger does) and just crush them and put in his food.  She said that was an odd request but she didn’t mind at all…THEN, I reminded her that the reason we did that with Trigger is because Flinstones have b6, b12, and folic acid which will help cover them if they happened to have my crazy blood clotting disorders.  After the reminder, she completely agreed that we needed to switch Campbell!  She also asked me about iron…UGH…the DREADED IRON…when Trigger was little, Dr. Slusher had us have him tested at every appointment…I don’t know if it was because he was a preemie or what but Trigger had low iron so he had to take supplements which stained his teeth.  Thankfully, after lots of scrubbing, you can’t really tell now.  Well, she sent us to have C’s tested…and guess what?!?!  HE HAS LOW IRON.  UGH…so we have the stupid iron supplements.  I already skipped the first night.  Tonight, I attempted to put them in his rice cereal.  It smelled awful and turned his cereal brownish black so just imagine what it is doing to my baby’s teeth.  :(  I’ll try my best but he only ate a few bites.  Dr. Slusher also told us to start Campbell on Zyrtec.  His nose is running even after finishing an antibiotic so they are thinking it is more allergies than it is a cold because colds do NOT last that long! Oh and Campbell also got his second flu shot.  I realize it’s a little late but this way he will only have to get one shot next year since he got his series of two this year!  THE best part is that Campbell did not cry when he got his flu shot…AND he did NOT cry when getting his blood drawn.  WHAT a big boy!!!  We will have to go back to have blood drawn in 6 weeks to check iron levels and then we will not have to go back until Campbell’s 1 year check-up.  That makes me SO sad!  However, I am pretty sure we will be in that office before then!  In fact, just this week, I have been to green clinic FOUR times (Mon-Trigger pre-op, Tues- Campbell 9 month,  Wed- Trigger tubes, and Thurs- Me bp checkup).

2. Trigger got his first set of tubes this week (Wednesday, March 23).  I will have to do a post about this later with a few pictures but I just wanted to have documentation of the date!

This week has COMPLETELY worn me out so I’m off to pump and to bed!  Trigger is coughing his head off so I don’t know how long it will be before I have to go back there.

I will leave you with ONE picture and it’s not even of my boys. 

Sadie' 244

Okay…so is this not the greatest.  You may not understand it’s greatness so let me explain.  The other night, I was playing with my camera and lighting after the boys had gone to bed and Matt had gone back to work.  I didn’t even realize really what I was capturing until I uploaded the pictures to my computer.  THIS, besides my children and Matt, IS MY LIFE these days.  My pump is like my good ole friend that is there to relieve me of pain every morning and night.  Coke Zero:  I usually have one near to help me make it thru the day!  On the left, there are two monitors.  Trigger’s is not so fancy. Campbell’s is the angelcare monitor.  We have another angelcare monitor for Trigger but we used it in the cradle when Campbell was first born and we just never put it back in Trigger’s room.  And let’s not forget my iphone that is propped up on top of the pump.  It is my lifeline to the real world.  It goes with me everywhere!  Anyway, let me summarize my life: I am constantly breastfeeding/pumping, watching after boys, checking my phone and drinking a coke zero…now if only there were a package of wipes because I feel like that’s the one other thing that I do all day: change diapers!  I just thought that picture was a PERFECT way to remember this time in my life!

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