Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kelly’s Kids and Fun with Friends

This is going back a ways…

Whew, Saturday, February 12th, was a busy, busy day!  Liz and I had decided to go to the Kelly’s kids sale.  I woke up around 430, got ready to go, woke up campbell, fed him, and got out the door.  I went to get in my car that I had packed the night before and was going to head to pick up Liz.  HOWEVER, my car would NOT start…GREAT timing!!!!  So, I went inside and called Liz.  She drove over to our house and picked me and Campbell up.  Of course Campbell had to go because he’s still nursing and refusing any kind of bottle or sippy cup!!!  We got on the rode and got there right after the doors had opened.  We didn’t have to wait in line long to get in.  I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.  I got some good deals.  However, I must say that if you have a girl, I would be dying to go next year!!!!  Like anything else with boys, it was good and I got some stuff but not NEARLY as much or as cute as the girl stuff!  Here are the things I got…minus a couple of outfits (somehow those weren’t in the pile that I took a picture of). 

These are Trigger’s clothes…the funny thing is that I went with the intention of buying for Campbell but ended  up buying more for Trigger.  AND, some of these things he might be wearing in Jr. high because I bought what I thought was cute, in the size they had and figure he would wear them eventually!  I’m really kidding about jr. high but one jacket was a size 8. 

Kellys kids, picnic, bathtime, and tractor riding 009Here are Campbell’s clothes.  I absolutely LOVE the green/blue plaid bubble on the bottom right.  I LOVE bubbles!!!!!Kellys kids, picnic, bathtime, and tractor riding 010

  Anyway, a few weeks ago we had some friends over for supper.  We really like to have friends over and would do it more often if our children were well!  Maybe this summer we will be able to have more people over and relax. And, get lots of play time on the playset. Since we really NEVER get to have adult company, I decided to fix a yummy meal…AND because I never get to fix this because Matt is allergic!  Our menu was: crawfish pasta, french bread, caesar salad, AND homemade red velvet cheesecake.  I don’t know if everyone else liked it but I did.  haha!  I really don’t like making that cheesecake but it always tastes soooo good.  AND, it was the Friday before Valentines so I thought it was appropriate to have something red! 

Trigger, Tucker Patterson, and Nolan Hogan playing in the playroom.  I’m guessing that Campbell and Rhett were being held.

Friends for Supper 070Trigger and TuckerFriends for Supper 073Campbell was ready to eat…he was quite fussy after missing his morning nap to go shopping with me and zizzy.  By the way,  he did awesome!!!Friends for Supper 075Friends for Supper 076Check out Matt’s plate, he had to eat what was on the kid’s menu (chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and corn on the cob).Friends for Supper 079Trigger and Tucker eating their supper.Friends for Supper 080Gabe decided to do a little modeling for us.  He’s a natural.Friends for Supper 086Heather (and Rhett), Me (Campbell), and Amy (Nolan).  Friends for Supper 094Daddies and their boys!Friends for Supper 104Nolan and Campbell (who was NOT an a happy mood)Friends for Supper 109They are only a month apart…I think they are going to be BEST friends.  Friends for Supper 110I know I have said this before but Trigger LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Gabe and Amy.  In fact, the other day (and I haven’t told this to you yet, Amy), we were headed home from Zizzy’s house and Trigger started whining and crying and saying he didn’t want to go home.  I asked him where we he wanted to go and he responded, “Gabe and Amy’s new house”.  And, he started crying when I told him we couldn’t.  He sure loves yall!!!!  Friends for Supper 125

That Saturday completely wiped me out!  but it was OH SOOOO fun!!!

1 comment:

Amy Hogan said...

I'm just now reading this...that is soooo sweet what Trigger said! Y'all should have come on over :)