Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our walmart trip

first let me start out by saying that I survived!  I shouldve posted this right after I got home because it was a tad like giving birth in that as time goes on, you convince yourself that IT REALLY WASN”T THAT BAD, RIGHT?!?!  How do we fool ourselves like that?  I  guess it’s a good thing we can lie to ourselves because I’m pretty sure I would have NEVER had Campbell!  :)

Let me just give you the run down of the day (yesterday).

Campbell didn’t get up as early as he usually does.  So this threw our whole schedule off…NOT the way I needed to start my day!  Anyway, he didn’t go down for a nap until 9:30 and slept until 11:30.  When he got up, I had to feed him (of course) and then by the time I got everyone loaded up, it was 12:15.  I am not sure how this happens but it takes me FOREVER to get both boys in the car and start backing down the driveway!  I KNEW this was a horrible idea.  I mean who takes their kids to walmart right before an afternoon nap….apparently people like me!  We got there and I told Trigger what his bribery prize would be:  a cookie.  He was all pumped about getting a cookie and was sooo ready to be a good little boy.  I got the grocery cover on the cart and both boys in the buggy.  We headed inside.  First, We headed over to the pharmacy side of the store.  Well, heavens to betsy….why does walmart hate me.  They so proudly display those stupid motorized cars/gators up in the air so that ALL little boys can drool.  However, my little boy did not drool.  He started crying and saying “mama, I wanna ride it”.  To which I responded, “maybe you should ask Santa for one”.  WHY DID I SAY THAT?!?!  Stupid, stupid me.  He has harrassed me since that moment about when Santa was “bringin my car from walmark”.  In fact, he couldn’t go to sleep for his nap today because he wanted to know if santa was at “walmark” getting his car.  Well, after that little diversion in Walmart, we moved on to the grocery side.  At this point, I gave Trigger my iphone and told him to watch the pirate show…gotta LOVE modern technology!!!!!!  That entertained him for a little bit.  While Trigger was good and quiet, Campbell started crying and wanting me to pick  him up.  I could NOT do such a thing because the buggy was already getting heavy and hard to push withOUT a baby on my hip.  Trigger quickly gave me my phone back and proceeded to go through everything in the buggy.  Then, Campbell kept turning around and trying to dig his fingers in the meat (YUCK).  I kept turning him back around, and he kept screaming!  When we reached the frozen section, I made a choice, a POOR choice (seems like I’m making many of those lately…it’s like my brain is a little fuzzy or something)…I took Trigger out of the buggy because he kept kicking all of my groceries AND there really wasn’t any room left!!!  We had a talk about how he had to stay close because someone could take him from me…because he is a rather cute little boy :)….and he promised me that he would stay close and keep his hands on the buggy/me.  Of course he felt like he needed to push the buggy everywhere.  In the middle of the produce, while I was putting my bananas in a bag, it happened.  Trigger looked at me, looked off, looked at me, and ran.  At the same time, he was turning around smiling at me as if he were just daring me to come get him.  Well, I DID go get him.  I yanked him up and dragged him back to the buggy where I had left my baby (it seriously wasn’t that far but still)….I bent down to talk to trigger and trigger HIT ME!  well, there you go, he LOST HIS bribery treat right THEN and THERE!!!  So he holds onto the buggy while we make our way to the fruit.  I’m trying to pick out some kiwi because Trigger LOVES kiwi.  He is standing by the buggy and I see him doing it but cant stop him fast enough…PICKED UP AN APPLE and took a huge bite out of it.  He tried to put it back but I did grab it before he did.  AND, we did purchase the apple!  I got the rest of my things and we went to the checkout counter.  Thankfully, there are not many crazy people at walmart at noon PLUS (and this is very interesting to me) there are more checkers during the weekday (during the day..when most people are working) than there are on Saturday and SUNDAY (when everyone in Ruston is there).  We walked right up and I started  unloading.. the whole time I was a wreck trying to unload buggy,  keep an eye on Trigger, AND keep a hand on Campbell so he didn’t catapult himself out of the buggy.  I finally made Trigger sit on the ground beside me…WHAT?!?!  Yes, MY DID!  (sorry, I’m talking like Trigger)  I know that is utterly disgusting but I figured that he’d already had his hands all over that nasty buggy AND taken a bite out of a nasty apple that tons a people had touched sooooo it probably wouldn’t hurt his bottom to touch walmart’s floor.  actually, when I put it that way, I think the floor was better than the hands on buggy and the germs on apple.  AND, I’ll deal with the sickness later as long as I have peace of mind that he’s not running off or kidnapped!  So, as soon as the buggy was cleared out, I put Trigger back in the buggy and let him stand.  I was determined that he would fit in the buggy with all the bags so that I didn’t have to worry about him in the parking lot.  I pay…while I am paying I realize that I do NOT have my license or my debit card in my wallet…it was in my back pocket of my jeans for the day before.  SERIOUSLY!!! thankfully, I did have my credit card so I used that but I was praying that she didn’t ask for my license and she didn’t.  We get out to the car and the last straw was when Trigger picked up my bag of tomatoes and threw them out of the buggy.  I put them in the car, drove home, put them in their beds, and then unloaded everything from the car.  I was completely and utterly exhausted!

Im sorry to say that I did NOT take any pictures of our lovely trip…im pretty sure you can guess why!

I have a few NOTES:

1. Matt read my last post and said, “hello…you didn’t give me credit….I used to go to the store all the time for you”.  He is correct.  He used to go to walmart for me.  There is the credit.  However, I must say that he didn’t have a 9 month old and a 2.5 year old in the buggy with him.  :)

2. Matt just looked over and said, “what are you doing?”  I responded “Im writing a blog post about our walmart trip”  Matt: “seriously…that looks like an encyclopedia entry for the civil war”  I just have to say that I felt like I had been through a war after being in walmart with my two offspring.  haha…okay…not really but it sounded funny!

Now, I’m gonna actually work on a post with pictures and try to forget that that crazy trip ever happened….the sad part is that I will forget and probably attempt again next week….or maybe the next! 

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