Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tomorrow, Im gonna attempt to make a big grocery store run with both boys! I take them all the time with me but not for a full blown grocery shopping experience. Since Campbells joined our family, I try to go on Mdo days (so I just have Campbell) or I go back at night after both boys are in bed! BUT, matt is working at night so I can't go then and both boys have been sick so no Mdo (and definitely no walmart)!
We Need the essentials. We need food for me to cook or food so I don't have to cook...either way, I've got to do it but I'm Sooooo not looking forward to it!
Again, I'm far behind on blogging but who cares, right?!? I'll get to it eventually! Yesterday, mrs Arva came to clean the house (at 800) AND triggers OT came for therapy (at 745) so we had to be up and moving and ready for chaos! After therapy was over, the boys and I headed to Lizs and we up and decided to take the boys to Monroe to go to target (been needing to go for weeks) and Liz needed to pick up some mounted ducks for the camp. Random combination, isn't it?! Anyway, the boys were exhausted when we got back bc it was 230 and both usually nap around 1. I put them both down at Lizs so they could get to sleep quickly...hahaha! I made the mistake of putting t down in just his shirt and pullup. It was a little warm and he had on jeans so I thought WHY NOT...well, that didn't end so well. I heard him in there talking and playing. I went in to threaten and he had his pullup off and had teetee all over the bed. GREAT...he knows better than this...he completely did it on purpose! That child!!!! At the same time, my oh so sweet (but very manipulative) baby was screaming his head off in Lizs crib. Soooo. What did i do? I packed the crew up and took us home...they BOTH fell sound asleep in the car! Of course I had to document since I think it's the first time it's happened!

Don't judge me. Trigger still has his paci. But these ear infections and illnesses that both have had since October are getting to me and the LAST thing I need right now is to take a paci away too...eventually, we will. I'm sure that's why he fell asleep bc he never is allowed to have a paci out of his bed!
So the boys both slept for awhile...I did not sleep...I'm not sure what's gotten into me but I'm like a go go go little bunny (I did NOT refer to myself as the energizer bunny bc I do NOT have energy. Just an overwhelming need to get something, anything done at this house!). Matt got home, supper was ready so he went to wake up trigger...something had been off with him all day! Matt brought him into the kitchen and I felt of him and he was burning up. Checked his temp. 102.6. Great! Just finished an antibiotic on Sunday and Monday night we have fever...I just do NOT understand what I'm doing wrong. We rarely leave our house bc of these illnesses. We did ALL go to church on Sunday for the first time in FOREVER!!! I dosed trigger with some Motrin so he could sleep. He woke up this morning with NO fever and did not have any at all today...who knows! He's complained a few times of his stomach hurting but you really can't believe what he complains about bc it's usually not that accurate! ;)
My fingers are crossed that it was some weird bug and it's gone or maybe it was a fluke in our thermometer. Who knows.
All I know is I've got to get in bed, make my walmart list, and rest up for my big trip to walmart with BOTH boys....both boys!!! if I say it over and over, maybe I'll be prepared! Let me just say this in my defense for those of you rolling your eyes like it's no big deal to take both...trigger sits in the big part bc he would never be seen again if he were allowed to walk beside me...he's not ready for that type of freedom just yet! And, he acts like he's never eaten a single morsel of food while we are in there and insists upon opening ever single package that I put into the buggy! And when told "no", meltdown, screaming fit. Like our last trip when i told him that he couldnt play with paintbrushes and stain and he started screaming (and wailing) "i want my daddy...i want my daddy". Fun times! Meanwhile, Campbell cries for me to hold him OR cranes around so he can see trigger and try to grab his hair OR grab the packages/boxes that his big brother is tearing into! I'm telling you...I'm gonna need a sedative! Oh and don't think I won't have that wooden spoon in my purse. It will be there...peeping out of the middle zipper...just in case it is needed! Bless their hearts...I think I need a sedative...did I say that already?
Night night!

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1 comment:

French Quarter Home said...

im exhausted from reading that.