I know I say this each time I post a monthly post about our children….but HOW does time go by so fast. Im just in shock that Larkin is past the 1 year mark and making her way to being a 2 year old. SHOCKING! I wanted to give a little update of our baby girl because it seems like it has been awhile since I have talked about her.
You weigh 19lbs 7oz. You lost some weight (not a ton) with this last illness. I feel certain that you are at or above 20 lbs. now. I don’t know your length but you are still SHORT! ;)
For the last month, you have decided to walk ever where. It was seriously OVER night! You rarely crawl anymore. I still get a little thrown off when I see you coming around a corner. You really look funny to me walking around because you look too little to be walking around but that may just be because I am used to seeing Trigger and Campbell. Because of the walking, you had three busted lips within a week…while you were sick.
The walking has also sparked an interest in big brothers…mainly the biggest brother..who now thinks you can dance with him. However, you have no interest in dancing or really even holding his hand at all…
You still don’t say many words or really any words at all…you say “ma-ma-ma-ma” but it isn’t for me…that means “I want more food” but it sounds just like mama. You CAN say dadda but you don’t. You can also say Poppy. We were in the car a few weeks ago and Trigger and I were discussing Poppy’s truck. Out of the blue, while sitting in her carseat, she started saying “poppy…..poppy….poppy”. Liz was almost in tears when I called to tell her…of course it was our fault because we were talking about poppy and not zizzy. HA!
Larkin is obsessed with sippy cups. She still doesn’t really drink out of them…or at least not enough to sustain life. She is particularly fond of her brother’s cups because they occasionally have watered down juice in them…which is way tastier than breastmilk…im guessing on that one. I can’t say that for sure though since ive never actually tasted breastmilk. yuck.
I am still breastfeeding Larkin…in fact, I still feed her around 5 times a day. I know that’s not probably what I should be doing…but honestly, I don’t care. It’s what works for us right now. Larkin is growing, shes thriving, shes not under or over weight…so we will continue with our little schedule. I will keep breastfeeding her as long as I possibly can. Our wonderful ENT and our pediatrician have both recommended me to keep going as long as I can because of her IGA deficiency. Larkin is still eating baby food from those pouches. She will even eat the ones with spinach, peas and other vegetables in them. Obviously she prefers to eat string cheese, bread, goldfish, and sweet potato puffs (only gerber brand because she’s high maintenance like that.). However, I am really pleased with how far she has come with her diet. Im a persistent little person! Some might use other words…but im using persistent. It sounds nicer!
And, yes, that would be grape (sugar free) juice…she had stolen Campbell’s cup. She really only got one sip before I took it away. Campbell is so funny. He won’t take things from Larkin (usually). Larkin makes a beeline for Campbell’s drink/food because she knows that he has no defense. She just waltzes right up and takes what she wants. He will get upset and maybe cry/scream…usually scream for me “Mommy, Larkin took my….” and I will have to come rescue the cup, food, etc. from Larkins little thieving paws.
See…I took the cup away. THIS little girl…THIS LITTLE GIRL…She knows how to pitch a royal fit. No doubt about it…she is a girl…DRAMA!!!! Her fits are a production. See her turned around…she starts out this way…so upset she just can’t even look at you.
Then turn around just to let you know that she is really mad at you….
hmmm…that’s not working so we throw our body on the ground…very carefully though because we don’t want to break our crown (again) and we have learned that it hurts to slam your head to the floor…well that didn’t get any reaction from momma…she’s still clicking pictures…so we try to pull the door off the wall.
Then, we give up and just cry pitifully until she is rescued by someone. She really leads a tough, tough life.
By the way, I am loving her summer clothes…we aren’t really wearing them yet but I have been trying a few on here and there just to make sure they fit…and because I love playing dress up. Larkin doesn’t take great naps…in fact, she really is already down to one nap a day and has been for awhile now. Two naps were really hard for us to ever accomplish with the boys going to school almost every day. AND, as soon as I might would get her close to somewhat of a routine of napping, she would get sick. So, she usually takes one nap a day…and there really isn’t a set time. If we are home, I put her down around 10. If that doesn’t work out, I put her down around 1…I prefer the 1 because that’s when I put campbell down and it’s nice to have that break.
At night, I put Larkin down anywhere between 630 and 730. She really could always go down early…because of the one nap…but it’s difficult cookin supper, getting everyone fed, kitchen somewhat cleaned up, kids bathed, and in bed by 630. So it’s usually more towards 715-730. Larkin usually sleeps until between 7 and 8 in the morning but the last week or so, that has changed and she is getting up by 6. I think she has hit a growth spurt because she has seriously eaten more that Campbell has today…maybe close to what Trigger has eaten today. AND, she’s been waking at night….so something is going on..its either ears, teething, or growth spurt. Teeth: Larkin now has 12 teeth…her last two (top) molars just came in this week…they still aren’t all the way through but they have broken through the gums so I think we can call them as number 11 and number 12.
Clothes: Larkin is still wearing 12 month clothes (and some 9 months still fit her). 18 months are way too big at this point…but im hoping that she will be able to wear them in a couple of months because that is what all her summer clothes are! She is wearing 12-18 month pjs…and they are a little long. I can definitely say that you are not the tallest little girl! Oh and your feet…they still haven’t really grown. I bought you some cheap shoes today to wear outside to play with the boys…they are size 2 and you have a finger of growing room still. However, your toms size 2s don’t fit…I don’t know if they run small…or maybe we got a faulty size 2.
Larkin still loves her thumb. She sucks on both but her left one is her serious one. And, you can tell that, she looks awkward when she sucks on her right thumb. She likes her dolls but I wouldn’t say that she has a love for them now. She is just too busy. And, honestly, I think I am going to have a hard time winning her over to the girly stuff because all she wants to do is to play with what Trigger and Campbell have. She does really like her princess castle with all the princesses. She moves them around and pushes the buttons to make them talk. But, the boys also like playing with the castle too. Ha!
LOVE those precious feet above and those chunky legs below! Look at those rolls…could you just squeeze the daylights out of them. LOVE THEM!!!!
Larkin LOVES outside….just like her brothers. It is so nice now that she can walk because she just toddles around every where and is happy as can be. She likes to get in her swing but she isn’t a huge fan of being pushed…she kind of loses it when going forward. She LOVES to climb…she climbs on everything…hikes that leg up and tries to climb. Loves the slide.
She also loves her brothers…even though one in particular can drive her absolutely insane!
Precious girl.
Well…another month has passed. 14 months. I can’t dwell on it or I might cry. Right after Larkin was born, I thought, “I can’t believe I will never do this again”…and in some ways I still feel like that but in a lot of ways I am excited about the future of doing things that don’t involve a newborn. I have my three children. I am content….for the moment! :)
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