Thursday, March 7, 2013


I can remember sitting at my parents table when I was little. The same table they have in their kitchen to this day...and if I'm correct, it's a table from somewhere overseas and is a oval table designed with two sides that fold down to make a long rectangle...want to know why? Because people (whereever the table came from) would use their dining room table to hold a casket during wake at their house. fairly certain that ours was new when we got it but just the same design. Just a little FYI here on this Thursday if you are at my parents, you'll have to exam their table. Super weird to me. I would do my homework at that table right after school. I hated homework. Actually, I wasn't that fond of school at all...except for the social side. I would sit there and try my hardest. Many days I can remember getting so frustrated. I was (and still am) so easily frustrated. I would lay my head down in my arms on the table and end up in tears because I couldn't do something. Clearly, I should've been held back...i was a june birthday and not the sharpest tack but that wasnt the most popular thing like it is now.
And no, im not going into the 101 reasons to hold your child back. However, most of your know that I a big fan of it after teaching so many babies that really still needed to be home with their mommas instead of a very scheduled, pretty demanding 5 day a week, all day long prek program. But that's not what this is about. Back to the title.
I get easily frustrated. You would think that over the years I would've matured and I would be able to handle more. Not so much the case. I have to really keep myself in check because my #1 can get me frustrated faster than you can say "frustrated". He KNOWS what to do. He's a smart, independent boy. But the problem is that he is as headstrong and opinionated as his momma (with a dose of his daddy too). I'm working on the frustration. I feel like when I go for long periods of time with no break from him/them, I am faster to get frustrated. I'm a big fan of breaks. Mommas need them!
And then you have moments like this...

When you come in the kitchen and the boys are working together to clean up the "nuffin" (that's what Campbell calls a cupcake) that Campbell had dropped all over the floor.
The whole reason I started on this frustration issue is because I started (and finished) a sewing project. I have a true love/ hate relationship with sewing. I love it but I get so frustrated because I stitch something on the wrong way or my needle breaks. Or my personal favorite is when my bobbin runs out when I literally have three stitches left. Anyway, I finished this fun outfit for Larkin to wear to the Easter egg hunt. The crazy part about this outfit is that the ruffle pants, the actual pants part is made from one of my old shirts. I needed some cream fabric for the pants. Didnt have any, turned around and there hung this shirt that I haven't worn in probably 3 or more years. They work perfectly with the top!

Then tonight, I whipped up this little number. It still has some left. And I'll make some ruffle pants to go with it too.

Now, who knows if they will hold up in the washing machine. I don't have a serger. I want one but I'm pretty sure I'll be tired of sewing in a week after I finished all of these projects I have been working on.
Oh and in honor of dr Seuss, we broke out our red, white and turquoise. The turquoise dress needed a little something. So I made a little fabric flower last night to attach.

I've been going going until midnight the last few days working on these projects. I'm tired. I usually stay up until 1130/12 but not humped over a sewing machine.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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