Sunday, March 3, 2013

If you would've asked me..

If you would've asked me 10 years ago...or maybe even 5 years ago...if I would be living this life and doing the things I'm doing, I'm not sure i would have imagined THIS life. Don't get me wrong. That's not a bad thing. The bible verse in Ephesians that says that God can do immeasureably more than we ever thought or imagined...definitely fits my perception of what i thought my future would hold...if asked 10 yrs ago. I wanted to be married and I wanted children. Those were #1!!!! By far, they were #1! I have always always wanted to be a mom. In my baby book, there's a picture from prek and the teacher asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I, of course, answered "mommy". Well. Now I'm a mommy. And most of the time I feel guilty about the job I do as mommy! Never enough time in the day. And you see, since I don't "work", my job is to care for the kids and house...and my husband. That's alot of pressure. Because its my job. There's nothing interfering. I don't have a paid job that I must be on time for. Instead, I have children yelling at me that they are hungry at 530 so I must get out of bed and feed them.
Honestly, I'm not sure where this is going or why I'm thinking, much less, typing, any of this.
I guess my point is that i didnt really envision throwing together peanut butter sandwiches quickly while holding a baby who doesn't feel good and just wants mommy.
But isn't that's what is so great about life. God has this grand plan...we are just little blips on the plan. Yet everyone of our thoughts and desires are important to Him. Even when it's a little prek child wanting so badly to be a mommy when she grows up. And, I have to say, that we laugh constantly about how things have turned out and if we thought we would be doing _____! Like pumping. I bet if you had asked Matt if he could imagine me hooking my boobs up to a machine, he probably say "gross". He. Does. Not. Even. Blink. An. Eye.
Anyway, God obviously has an amazing sense of humor. And for the most part, we laugh right along with Him.
Ok. I THINK I was going to steer that story towards sewing. Yes. I believe that was it. I really would've never guess that I would sew anything. I have dabbled in it since we had trigger. Making about one thing a year. Well. Here lately, I have been making several things.
I made these shirts for the boys and Larkin needed (ha) something to match.

And pants for a fun Easter outfit for Larkin

One more thing I never thought I would be doing....actually I did think I would have to do it but just blocked it All the time.

And doing laundry...

Which brings me to my next "never in a million years would've dreamed I'd be doing this...." I'm seriously. Seriously. Considering making my own detergent. I wash...and please know that I realize how ridiculous it is that we go through so many clothes. I know!!!! I wash about 2 loads of laundry a day. Seriously. Probably could wash more. Between Monday to Friday, I washed four dark loads of laundry. And when I say "loads", I mean that I can't shove one more thing in the washing machine. We change clothes alot around here and because I'm a germ weirdo, we change when we get home from school...definitely after going to gc....Walmart....basically anywhere. So I think I'm going to try to make detergent. I mean what's next.
Making my own laundry detergent.
I feel like I need to go ahead and pick out my tree to hug!
And, ill leave you with that. Bc I'm tired and have an early morning tomorrow.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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