Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The first days of school

Trigger started 4 year old preschool this year at Trinity.  We are so blessed to have Mrs. Lisa AGAIN this year…she moved from the 3 year old class to the 4 year old class.  She is so good with Trigger.

Campbell started MDO for 2 year olds at Trinity.  This is his first year away from me.  His teacher is Mrs. Gail and she seems to be really sweet!

This is Trigger when he went to “meet” his teacher…that he’s know his whole life!  Trigger was so excited!IMG_6438The next day Campbell went to meet his teacher.IMG_6442On Monday, August 27th, Trigger started school.  HE HAD AN AWESOME day!  The great things is that he already knew about half of his class because they were in his class last year….and the even more fun thing is that there is a big group of them that will be in prek with him at Cedar Creek next year!IMG_6456IMG_6460Trigger and his teacher, Mrs. LisaIMG_6461On Tuesday, August 28th, I had to take my baby boy to MDO.  His first experience with school…and momma’s first time without my baby boy! He did great…his teacher says he is wonderful and did better than everyone else at adjusting.  No crying!  He even slept for 30 minutes which isn’t enough for my big sleeper but impressive considering that he has never slept anywhere but his crib.  I sure missed this sweet boy while he was gone….BUT, it was so nice to have from 9-2 to spend time with just LARKIN for the first time since she was born AND nice to be able to get things done.  IMG_6467

Our schedule is kind of confusing and I am constantly trying to keep straight when I need to pick up and who needs lunches and when. 

Monday: Trigger (9-12)

Tuesday: Campbell and Trigger (9-2)

Wednesday: Trigger (9-12)

Thursday: Campbell and Trigger (9-2)

Friday:  WE ALL STAY HOME!!!!!!


We all know what starting school means?!?!?  GERMS ENTERING BODIES…and the beginning of illnesses!  Trigger was out most of last week with what was almost walking pneumonia (what Campbell had for three weeks in July/August)…the dr heard fluid on his left lung but xray was clear.  AND, Campbell’s nose is runny.  I kept him out today because I can tell that he is just not himself.  I hope this fall is a little easier on us than last fall.

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