Tuesday, September 18, 2012


This little girl is pretty spoiled!  She gets attention from all four of us and im pretty sure that wont change anytime soon!  I try to take pictures of her as much as possible because I don’t have her pictures made professionally.  Speaking of pictures…I MUST actually print out some pictures of Larkin.  If you didn’t know us and walked into our house, you wouldn’t know that we had a third child.  THERE ARE NO PICTURES OF HER!  Ha…shes the third!  Okay…enough rambling…here are some of my favorites from the last two months.IMG_6322IMG_6330She looks kind of disgusted in this next picture but look at those eyes…LOVE THEMIMG_6355She holds her hands like this all the time.  I think its so sweet and dainty!IMG_6387IMG_6389IMG_6419IMG_6427

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