Saturday, September 15, 2012


I let Trigger decide what he wanted for his party this year…I hope you are all giving me a virtual pat on the back because that is huge for me!!!  He chose to have a superman/spiderman/batman party.  I thought this was a little strange because he didn’t own anything with super heroes nor has he watched any of the shows.  However, if that’s what he wanted, that’s what we were having.  I didn’t do much.  I made masks and shirts for my boys.  We had pizza and cake/ice cream.  The kids played outside.  I made super hero capes for each child for their party favor.  That’s it…plain and simple!  And, Trigger LOVED it!  Sorry there are so many pictures! IMG_5953He sure is a cute super hero!  I LOVE his shorts…they are from mini boden…Im kind of loving some of their clothes for the boys!IMG_5966IMG_5975IMG_5989IMG_5990Daddy teaching the boys how to fly like superman.IMG_5992IMG_5996IMG_6001IMG_6006IMG_6010IMG_6015Larkin did have a cape too but I didn’t get a picture of her in it.  She wasn’t the most happy camper with other people holding her.IMG_6028Can’t you just see this in about 15 years….scary, scary!IMG_6035Sweet Ella Cate!  IMG_6036IMG_6041IMG_6047IMG_6050IMG_6053IMG_6057IMG_6060IMG_6062Trigger and Mallory in their capes.IMG_6091Anna GraceIMG_6093CorbinIMG_6094Anna Grace and SydneyIMG_6095IMG_6103IMG_6107

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