Thursday, August 9, 2012

Malory’s Party

We are so excited that our really good friends/family have moved into the neighborhood.  Brad and Michelle Waller have been friends of ours for a LONG time…like before kids…even before marriage..even before college!  So, we are sooo excited to have them for neighbors now.  They have two children: Mallory (5) and Thomas (2.5).  Trigger loves to play with Mallory.  We have always been at each others parties…starting with the first birthdays!  It’s so fun to watch our children grow up.  Anyway, Mallory had her party at Party Galaxy.  The boys had a BLAST!  IMG_5026IMG_5027IMG_5028IMG_5035IMG_5038IMG_5044Mallory, Trigger, and Campbell sliding together.IMG_5049IMG_5065Larkin was there too…but she didn’t jump! ;)IMG_5066

Love good friends that we can share our lives with and raise our children together…now if us girls can convince brad and matt that we need a golf cart or mule so we can easily get back and forth to each others houses, that would be PERFECT!

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