Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Nights

We LOVE Friday nights around here because that means that the weekend has begun and daddy is HOME!!!!  I can remember how special Friday nights were in our house as a child.  We would order Johnnys, eat pizza in the den on a quilt (which if you knew my mom, you KNOW that was a HUGE deal!), and watch TGIF.  Well, we try to have those kind of Friday nights around here.  I like trying to do something different and fun and try to make some memories rather just “make it through the day” like it seems we tend to do sometimes.    I have to say that I did put down a quilt but lets be honest, I am NOT my mom in that department and a little pizza  would NOT have hurt our rug.  HA!!!  AND, instead of TGIF since we don’t have good shows like that anymore, we watch a movie.  USUALLY, like this night, the POLAR EXPRESS is a big request!  Since Matt and I are huge fans of anything Christmas, we gladly agree!!!  IMG_5069Look at Larkin…ummmm…she kind of likes TV.  Ha!!!IMG_5254LOOK at those faces…MOUTH WIDE OPEN!!!!IMG_5257I just love those sweet feet!!!!IMG_5259This picture of Trigger sooo reminds me of Uncle Seth…Seth used to sit just like this in our den when we were growing up!!!IMG_5261IMG_5263

and lets not forget the most important part of movie night, POPCORN…yep, we enjoyed some popcorn too! 

Now, we don’t do this every Friday night BUT, it sure is fun when we do!!!

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