Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Toot, Toot

Im going to take a minute to toot my own horn.  HA!  No really, I was so impressed with myself a few weeks ago.  Our cleaning lady was coming to our house and I needed to get the kids out so she could actually get it clean.  Liz and Daddy were out of town and that’s usually where we go on cleaning days.  Normally it wouldn’t matter if they were there or not..we would just go hang out there.  However, their cleaning lady was going to be at their house too…SOOOO, I decided to venture out a little bit.  I took the kids to the park to play for about an hour.

IMG_3359IMG_3362IMG_3363IMG_3364IMG_3366IMG_3368IMG_3369IMG_3371IMG_3373Larkin fell asleep in the stroller.  Then, we packed up and headed to monroe.  IMG_3374I stopped by chickfila and got us something to eat.  We drove to Target and the boys ate their lunch while I fed Larkin.  IMG_3376

We went in Target to get a few things for me for our beach trip and for Campbell’s party (yes, these pictures are a few weeks old)…Then we left and drove home.  I have to say that ALL three have never been more well behaved.  I was so impressed with their behavior!  I am not going to say that they were perfect but they were very good!!!!! 

I know that most of you are probably shaking your head thinking that this trip was NO big deal but let me assure you, IT IS!!!!  ;)

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