Sunday, July 29, 2012

God Bless USA

We went to my parents for July fourth this year.  I always love july 4th…cooking out, eating watermelon, and of course it involves wearing RED and blue which happen to be some of my favorite colors. My dad grilled hamburgers…we had beans, sausage, fruit, and several desserts.  SOOOO yummy!!!!

The boys all ate together.  They looked so cute sitting together!IMG_4920IMG_4922We attempted to get a picture of my three children….ha! HA! HA!  That is next to impossible!!!!IMG_4928Look at that middle child CLOWNING around!!!!IMG_4934IMG_4941IMG_4945I never get a picture of my parents with the kids….IMG_4954Look at Larkin…she was happy about something!IMG_4958We picked up some sparklers on the way home.  I put Larkin down while we waited for it to get dark.  Guess who was NOT happy about the sparklers?  THat would be my little Campbell…he was scared!  Trigger LOVED them!!!!!IMG_4959IMG_4964Matt was asking Campbell if he wanted to hold the sparkler…do you see him backing up…he was also saying “no”!IMG_4972And then he came over to Mommy and held my hand!!!!  I wasn’t complaining!!!  love my little man!IMG_4976IMG_4980

It was a good day!!!  We enjoyed getting to visit with family, eat good food, and relax.

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