Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lots of Help

I have two little helpers around our house.  Their names are: Trigger and Campbell. They like to do things like: fight over and squeeze Larkin (harder than necessary), play games with Larkin (while yanking arms and squeezing her hands a little too hard), keep her company while Mommy gets a few things done (and poke her in her face..including her eyes), put her paci in her mouth (even though she hasn’t cared for one for a couple of months), get diapers for me, etc.  The list could go on and on!IMG_3018IMG_3060IMG_3076IMG_3317

I sure love their love of their sister!!!  It really makes me smile!!!  Boys (and girls) better watch out.  Trigger Woodard is going to probably harm anyone that hurts (or looks) at his little sister.  He is sooo protective of her!  I think it’s the sweetest thing!

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