Sunday, July 29, 2012

Trigger- Four year old Questions

These are the questions that I asked Trigger.  I am going to try to ask them every year to see how his responses change over the years!  Should be interesting!!!

1. What is your favorite color? Orange

2. What is your favorite toy? Spiderman

3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon

4. What is your favorite tv show? Mike the Knight

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? apples, strawberries

6. What is your favorite outfit? my vest, snoofy (snoopy) shirt, and pants

7. What is your favorite game? Mickey

8. What is your favorite snack? Raisins

9. What is your favorite animal? Dog…”riley dog”

10. What is your favorite song? Jesus Loves Me

11. What is your favorite book? Bible

12. Who is your best friend? John Parker Moak

13. What is your favorite cereal? Black Cereal (cocoa pebbles)

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play on my playset

15. What is your favorite drink? Chocolate milk

16. What is your favorite holiday? Halloween

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Woody, Alligator, and my orange B

18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Breakfast bar and cereal

19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Soup

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Stopper man

God Bless USA

We went to my parents for July fourth this year.  I always love july 4th…cooking out, eating watermelon, and of course it involves wearing RED and blue which happen to be some of my favorite colors. My dad grilled hamburgers…we had beans, sausage, fruit, and several desserts.  SOOOO yummy!!!!

The boys all ate together.  They looked so cute sitting together!IMG_4920IMG_4922We attempted to get a picture of my three children….ha! HA! HA!  That is next to impossible!!!!IMG_4928Look at that middle child CLOWNING around!!!!IMG_4934IMG_4941IMG_4945I never get a picture of my parents with the kids….IMG_4954Look at Larkin…she was happy about something!IMG_4958We picked up some sparklers on the way home.  I put Larkin down while we waited for it to get dark.  Guess who was NOT happy about the sparklers?  THat would be my little Campbell…he was scared!  Trigger LOVED them!!!!!IMG_4959IMG_4964Matt was asking Campbell if he wanted to hold the sparkler…do you see him backing up…he was also saying “no”!IMG_4972And then he came over to Mommy and held my hand!!!!  I wasn’t complaining!!!  love my little man!IMG_4976IMG_4980

It was a good day!!!  We enjoyed getting to visit with family, eat good food, and relax.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fun with Zizzy

The boys LOVE when Zizzy comes over because that means LOTS of attention…IMG_3017They also LOVE going to Zizzy’s house.  They especially like when their cousins, Abby and Sydney are there!  This particular day they painted and watched a movie…and ate…and played!IMG_3080IMG_3081IMG_3084

I love that my children are so close to their grandparents.  They get to spend a lot of time with each set of grandparents and I am so thankful for that!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I can’t believe July has already begun.  I mean…where is the time going?!?  It seems like we have been nonstop busy with vacations, vbs, swimming lessons, TONS of dr.s appointments (and no one has even been sick…just lots of check ups with different drs), etc.  It seems that as soon as I get geared up to have a week with NOTHING planned, all of a sudden every day is filled with something.  IMG_4882

oh my goodness…my boys have been awful lately.  they are on a kick where they cry about EVERY SINGLE THING!  and it is really rather annoying and very, very tiring!  I mean, the two of them definitely cry more than Larkin.  I even took Trigger to the dr. today because I just knew there had to be something wrong…if I asked him, he would say “my froat (throat) hurts”.  Well, the dr. did say his throat is a little red…but probably from drainage…no major infection like strep…TIRED OF THE CRYING!



Sleeping Babies

I can’t help it…I love to see a baby sleeping!  There is just something so peaceful about it!!!!IMG_3072IMG_3185We love our video monitor…honestly, I am not sure how we survived without it for so long.  We got it right before Larkin was born and constantly look at it.  Campbell is hilarious when he sleeps.  He gets in some odd positions…IMG_3187IMG_3190

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Toot, Toot

Im going to take a minute to toot my own horn.  HA!  No really, I was so impressed with myself a few weeks ago.  Our cleaning lady was coming to our house and I needed to get the kids out so she could actually get it clean.  Liz and Daddy were out of town and that’s usually where we go on cleaning days.  Normally it wouldn’t matter if they were there or not..we would just go hang out there.  However, their cleaning lady was going to be at their house too…SOOOO, I decided to venture out a little bit.  I took the kids to the park to play for about an hour.

IMG_3359IMG_3362IMG_3363IMG_3364IMG_3366IMG_3368IMG_3369IMG_3371IMG_3373Larkin fell asleep in the stroller.  Then, we packed up and headed to monroe.  IMG_3374I stopped by chickfila and got us something to eat.  We drove to Target and the boys ate their lunch while I fed Larkin.  IMG_3376

We went in Target to get a few things for me for our beach trip and for Campbell’s party (yes, these pictures are a few weeks old)…Then we left and drove home.  I have to say that ALL three have never been more well behaved.  I was so impressed with their behavior!  I am not going to say that they were perfect but they were very good!!!!! 

I know that most of you are probably shaking your head thinking that this trip was NO big deal but let me assure you, IT IS!!!!  ;)

Monday, July 2, 2012

love, Love, LOVE

My boys were headed into church one Sunday morning.  I stayed in the car to feed Larkin before going inside.  I snapped this picture of them walking inside.  It is truly such a blessing that I have a husband that guides us daily in our walk with our Lord…most nights, he puts both boys down and he has taught them to pray and Trigger is learning a love of reading the Bible.  I LOVE when I can put Trigger down and listen to his lengthy prayer.  He may be wild but he is learning from his daddy the importance of prayer and reading his bible.  I am so thankful to have a husband that takes the time to teach these things.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lots of Help

I have two little helpers around our house.  Their names are: Trigger and Campbell. They like to do things like: fight over and squeeze Larkin (harder than necessary), play games with Larkin (while yanking arms and squeezing her hands a little too hard), keep her company while Mommy gets a few things done (and poke her in her face..including her eyes), put her paci in her mouth (even though she hasn’t cared for one for a couple of months), get diapers for me, etc.  The list could go on and on!IMG_3018IMG_3060IMG_3076IMG_3317

I sure love their love of their sister!!!  It really makes me smile!!!  Boys (and girls) better watch out.  Trigger Woodard is going to probably harm anyone that hurts (or looks) at his little sister.  He is sooo protective of her!  I think it’s the sweetest thing!