Tuesday, February 15, 2011

our great love

Did you think this was a post about Valentines?  You are WRONG!  This post is about our love of pacis!  Well…it’s really on Trigger’s love.  BUT, since it helps him to sleep and make my life easier, it’s sort of my love too! :)  Lately, when Campbell and I go to get Trigger up from his nap, I will put Campbell on the bed and he makes a beeline to Trigger’s mouth.  THEN, Campbell is DETERMINED to get Trigger’s paci.  The funny thing is that Campbell doesn’t even like pacis. 

Brothers and their pacis 032Check out that bedhead…that’s also before he had his AWFUL haircut but that’s another story.Brothers and their pacis 041Brothers and their pacis 044Brothers and their pacis 047I had gone and gotten some of Campbell’s old pacis for him to chew on and Trigger had to steal some of those…I guess brothers share everything!Brothers and their pacis 051Brothers and their pacis 062These were all taken a few weeks ago when Trigger and Campbell were sick…during one of Trigger’s ear infections and Campbell’s croup which is why in most of these pictures that I have been posting lately, we are NOT dressed and USUALLY in pjs! Btw, we are going to Dr. Neal next Tuesday about Trigger’s ears (Left ear).  After 6 ear infections since october, I think it’s time to do something!Brothers and their pacis 067Brothers and their pacis 072I don’t think I have mentioned this but Trigger knows how to get in Campbell’s bed.  This picture below:  I had JUST put Campbell down for a nap.  He was SOUND ASLEEP.  I walked to our room and came back to find Trigger…found him in bed with Campbell.  He had gone in Campbell’s room and climbed in bed with him.  AND, of course, woke him up!!!  I couldve harmed that little boy! :)Brothers and their pacis 001I think I have mentioned that Tuesday/Thursday (MDO) days are NOT my favorite….and that is strange because I know most momma’s love their days that they get a break.  Those days just mess up Campbell’s schedule and he is cranky all day because both of his naps are messed up because of drop off and pick up times.  Then, I usually pick up mr. cranky (trigger) because he doesn’t get his 2-2.5 hour nap.  So, they both whine and cry all evening! YAY!  Anyway, this picture below is what I see every time I open the door when we get home from dropping off Trigger.  SOUND ASLEEP.  The problem is that I can NOT transfer this child.  I could usually transfer Trigger but NOT Campbell.Brothers and their pacis 014Brothers and their pacis 010Here are a few pictures of my two sick boys…sorry if their snotty noses bothers  you.  I wanted to remember what we have dealt with pretty much this whole winter! Brothers and their pacis 017Brothers and their pacis 022

well…that’s all I know tonight.

Oh wait…do you skype.  I don’t…until recently…and the ONLY time I do is at night.  Matt has been working at night so we skype while he works.  it has made such a difference for me.  Matthew is already sooo exhausted.  It worries me that he works so much.  I know this lack of sleep is not good for his body!!! 

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