Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Campbell isn’t on a monthly mark or anything but I’m feeling like I haven’t kept up with his progress.

Where do I even begin?  Let’s do a little bullet system…

  • Campbell was 17 lbs. 4 oz. at 8 months (he happened to be sick when he turned 8 months and he was weighed).  I measured him the other day and he was 27.5 inches…but who knows if that’s right or not.  Either way, he looks so long and lean.  HOWEVER, I do have to say that his legs are getting chunky.
  • Campbell started crawling at 7.5 months.  Trigger crawled about this same time but Trigger did an army crawl on his belly until he was about 9 months old.  Campbell went straight for his knees and took off.  He is EVERYWHERE now…I put him on the ground and he makes a beeline to the playroom.  He KNOWS that the GOOD (Trigger’s) toys are in there! Bubble Bath with both boys 026Bubble Bath with both boys 029
  • Currently, he is past crawling on his knees…most of the time he crawls on his left knee and right toe if that makes sense.  Uncle Lance (the almost PT) says that he is really wanting to walk. YIKES!!!  Which brings me to this…
  • Campbell started pulling up the same week (7.5 months) that he started crawling.  I left him in the playroom to fix Trigger some lunch.  I went back to check on him and he had pulled up to his knees (below).  I ran to get my camera, snapped a picture, and then he started to pull up to his feet for the FIRST TIME…and I got pictures of it!!!!  I wish I had video but that’s okay! (excuse the christmas pjs…I know christmas is over but I love these pjs)

Bubble Bath with both boys 003Bubble Bath with both boys 004Bubble Bath with both boys 006

  • I have tried to start Campbell on a sippy cup but he has NO clue how to suck on one since I still breastfeed him.  He also can’t take a bottle…seriously?!?  It took me FIVE LONG FRUSTRATING months to get him to exclusively breastfeed (so he was on some bottles until 5 months) but I’m STUBBORN, headstrong  persistent and I FINALLY WON!  Well, now he doesn’t have a clue how to take a bottle or a sippy cup.  I actually started out trying a straw cup because Trigger’s old speech therapist had made us switch Trigger because sippy cups aren’t good for the development of their mouth?!?!  Anyway, I guess I’ll just keep trying!  (the second pic: he was NOT happy when I took the straw away from him!)Bubble Bath with both boys 069Bubble Bath with both boys 077Bubble Bath with both boys 082
  • Campbell sleeps pretty good at night…wait scratch that…Campbell used to sleep very good…now I would characterize his sleep as OKAY!  He goes to bed between 7-730…really he needs to go down at 630 (because he’s exhausted by that point) but it’s so hard to get supper cooked and on the table, dishes cleaned, playroom cleaned, boys bathed, and in bed by that early!  I’ll keep trying to get earlier though!  We bathe Trigger and Campbell together every night.  Then, I nurse him…he usually falls asleep…I rock him for a little bit and then put him in his bed.  He stays asleep until 11-12.  I go back into his room, change his diaper (which is completely full), and nurse him again.  I don’t know how he doesn’t weight 25 lbs!

Campbell outside- January 018

  • Naps: Campbell takes 2 naps.  Since I’m home, I don’t have a rigid wake up time but he usually wakes 7-8 AM.  His wake up time determines his first nap.  I can usually just go off his clues to know when he’s ready.  I haven’t been as good about the crying it out…hey!  don’t judge…he’s my precious little baby that matt reminds me DAILY is going to be waking up at midnight until he goes to college…and he also reminds me that I will be the one to go take care of him at that time! ;) Oh well…they are only little once!  I have been doing a better job of not rocking him until he is asleep and have done some crying it out (40 minutes of SCREAMING THIS MORNING for his first nap).  I’m just not as hardcore as I was with Trigger.  Anyway, his naps are usually 9 and 1ish (unless wake time is early or late).  He usually sleeps 1.5-2.5 hours for each nap.  It is sooo nice now that he is napping because I can shower and get ready, do some things around the house OR actually spend some quality time with Trigger!!!Campbell outside- January 036
  • Eating: I mentioned that I was still breastfeeding Campbell.  He gets fed at 7(wake up), 11, 3, and 7 (and the midnight-ish feeding).  He gets VERY distracted while I’m feeding him.  Poor Trigger is usually told that he has to leave and go to his playroom because Campbell would MUCH rather watch Trigger than to nurse!  We feed Campbell a supper of around 3 TBSP of rice cereal and a vegetable.  He JUST now ate a full container (stage 1) the other night of veges.  I have tried breakfast of oatmeal but we just haven’t really just stuck with it.  Soooo for now, we are still eating just supper.  Campbell has tried green beans, peas, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes AND he likes them ALL!!!  YAY!  We also haven’t started fruits yet.  Holding off…I want Campbell to like his veges!Campbell outside- January 066
  • Campbell is in a size 4 diaper (can wear size 3).  Matt and I like our boys diapers to fit bigger than most people I guess because everyone looks at us crazy when they hear what size they are in.  I like for our tabs to touch or even overlap some…I like them to come high up so he is less likely to have a diaper accident.  Makes sense to us!  PLUS for about the last month it has been VERY difficult to change his diaper and clothes…he is BUSY, BUSY and wants to flip and go!  Campbell is wearing 12 month clothes if it’s a one piece outfit (like a jon-jon)…9 months if it’s a top/bottom.Campbell outside- January 070
  • Campbell is IN LOVE with Trigger!  He watches his EVERY move.  When we are in the car, if Campbell is awake, he has his head craned over to the right watching Trigger.  I know his poor little neck has to get tired from leaning up and looking at Trigger!  He also wants whatever Trigger has…he will get a glimmer in his eye and take off after trigger like he’s going to attack him to get what’s in his hands.  Trigger better watch out because it won’t be long before Campbell is attacking him!Campbell outside- January 109
  • Campbell is also starting to wave bye-bye.  He doesn’t always do it on command but it is absolutely precious to see his little hand opening and closing.
  • This picture below so reminds me of Trigger.  I decided to go back and look for the pictures I was thinking of.  The first picture is Campbell (at 8 months); the second is Trigger (at 10 months).   These were both taken out in our front yard…can you believe the difference in the trees and grass.  WOW…I’m ready for the green!!!

Campbell outside- January 130

Trigger- Outside Pics 573

  • These next two pictures are my ABSOLUTE favorite of my Campbell.  I will be getting a canvas print of one of these!!!!!!
  • Campbell outside- January 161Campbell outside- January 162
  • Campbell loves his daddy (even though I secretly think he loves me more…haha).  In fact, he has been saying “da-da”.  Of course he doesn’t have a clue what he’s saying but it’s still cute.  We have also heard him saying “by-by”.Campbell outside- January 180
  • Campbell still loves his fingers.  This is how we know he is done with the photo shoot!  ha..  trigger’s photo shoots used to always end with him holding his “b”.Campbell outside- January 188
  • Campbell is truly a VERY happy baby and has a smile that just lights up a room.  I love his two little bottom teeth that show when he smiles.  Oh and he has started laughing at everything Trigger does…like simple things.  Trigger will hop and Campbell will start rolling laughing.  In fact, I’m gonna have to try to post a video of him laughing!  It’s precious!  He also has the most expressive faces…more than Trigger ever had.  It’s funny to watch his little face/lips!Campbell outside- January 209
  • Every night (or after naps) when he wakes up, he will pull up and stand in the front left corner of his bed (this is the corner closest to the door).  He will stay there and cry until you come and rescue him.  As soon as I pick him up, he stops crying and kind of sighs like “Whew…I knew you’d come…if I just kept it up long enough”…SPOILED ROTTEN!!!  Then he usually starts making motor boat noises (and raspberries).  That little turkey has got me wrapped around his finger!Campbell outside- January 238

Oh my word…im not sure if there are enough words to describe the love that I have for Campbell (and Trigger…but this post is suppose to be about Campbell).  He is the most fun-loving child.  I just want to freeze time because I LOVE the ages that our boys are at.  They are so fun (challenging at times) but OH SO FUN!!!!  These days are so precious and are flying by…I hope I am making the most of them!

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