it's a shade of grey right now...im gonna paint it black and recover the cousin of course....and guess what i paid? FIVE dollars!!!!!! Matt actually said this purchase was ok. Then, I bought an old window to do something with...havent decided yet. My first thought was that i would hang it above our couch and hang picture frames by ribbon in each pane. Then i started thinking grander thoughts....like wouldn't it be cool to make an end table and have the window as a top...I've seen this done and it looks great....but is that the most practical with children....but it would replace my grndparents table that Matt doesn't like. I also found an old door that i bought. It was already painted and looked very, very old. I LOVED it and was going to sand it and paint it for ts headboard....I was going to pick it up today,...but as i laid in bed, i realized that that beautiful chipped, antique paint on the door was probably LEAD paint! Sooooo i backed oout and will wait on a panel door that is not painted! I just cant risk the chance of lead paint and im not going thru the process of getting rid of it!
Ok....so what this post is all about....THIS beauty.

I was just about to leave yesterday when i saw it out of the corner of my eye. I have been wanting a solid wood/antiqueish desk for our bedroom. Matt works so much and tries to stay home some nights and work from here. Sooooo. We have a plastic table set up with a desk top computer with TWO monitors...beyond me of why you would ever need two...and he has THREE at work! Anyway, I fell in love!!!! Should i even bother to tell you matts feelings on it...hates it...he just keeps saying, "if your happy, then I'm happy." blah blah blah....i don't even get a " wow...you went out of your way with BOTH boys to go find us a good bargain". Oh well....I love it..callie told me that this is a desk/table from a greenhouse....how cool! And check out the top...LOVE it....it's so warped and screwed up and i absolutely adore it!

Well. I picked it up at noon today...then headed straight to walmart. That was a disaster...both boys were tired. I had to carry campbell because i forgot his cover and i pushed triggerin the buggy. Trigger had his first public meltdown bc i had been telling him to stop screaming...he was just doing it to be difficult. I got in his face and told him he better not yell again or he was going to be in trouble...i dont think he let me finish before he was screaming....soooo like a good mother, i grabbed his cheeks and squeezed them and told him no....he screamed and cried and melted down and was yelling, "I want my daddy" over and over....it was quite embarrassing. Luckily, I was in the paint section and there were hardly any people around. Bc of the embarrassment, i forgot my black paint for my beautiful chair. :(
Anyway, after the boys went down tonight, i hightailed it to the shop. I sanded, sanded, and sanded some more....and then i stained the desk. Tis is after my first coat.

And here is the top.

Remember that i don't want it looking perfect...i want it worn! And the great part about this desk is that it has a little ledge on the side (where I'm sure pots for planting where stored) that will hold our tower perfectly. I am beyond excited!!!!!
Matt is speechless....and i don't think in a good way. Haha...I'm just kidding...he sticking to the "if you are happy with, im happy with it" yuck...just go ahead and say you hate it!! I love him and all his quirkiness...he is daily reminding more and more of my dad!
I've been a busy girl today and I'm tired and already sore...sad, i know! Im off to bed!!!
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