Thursday, October 1, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, Tech had their first home game. Trigger and I did not attend because the weather had been yucky and the game started late! However, we did go to the Tech bookstore the same was PACKED. While on campus, we had a little photo session since it was Trigger's first time on Tech's campus!

Trigger wanted to go for a swim sooo bad! He kept trying to walk into the fountain!

On that Sunday, our church had a special tailgating Sunday. We all wore jeans and team shirts. Everyone seemed to have a pep in their step and I really think it was because of our relaxed attire! After Sunday school and big church, we met outside to eat with our department. Here are a few pictures. And, YES, that is Trigger's first taste of a rice krispie treat. He LOVED it...Izzy thought she was being sneaky by giving him a bite but it just so happened that I was walking up at the SAME moment!

I hate that Trigger still hasn't been to a Tech football game...SOON he will attend EVERY game...I grew up in Ruston and attended all home football games for CC and TECH and many bball games. I really want Trigger to grow up going too. We have season tickets but at this point I would rather have a well rested baby...

1 comment:

jessie said...

so glad you took trigger to campus! i wanted to take olivia a few weeks back and rett thought i was crazy!