Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dr.'s Appointment and Prayer Request

Trigger went for his 2 month "Well Baby Check-up". I put that in quotes because it didn't seem like a well check-up. The first thing Dr. Slusher always does is listen to Trigger's heartbeat. Well...she listened and heard a heart murmur. I know what your child had one of big deal. They sent us for an EKG and a chest xray just to make sure there isn't any structural problems with his heart. We went and had the xray and EKG done. Trigger was so wonderful during the tests. He actually slept through most of the EKG and Matt took a picture of him with his electrodes all over his body.

Anyway, we heard back from the tests yesterday. The radiologists said the xray showed that Trigger's heart was a little enlarged. And, Dr. King (who is suppose to be THE best pediatric cardiologist around) read the EKG and said it was "suspect". From my understanding, that means there were some abnormalities in the test results but he didn't know what was wrong. Dr. Slusher said that we would have to go see Dr. King for an appointment. They base their appointments on the seriousness of the patients problems. We didn't get an appointment until November 12th because Trigger doesn't have any symptoms of heart problems right now. I'm hoping that waiting this long to see him is a good sign that everything is going to be okay!
That's not all....Trigger also has a hernia in his belly button. They warned us in the NICU that he might develop one because he's a preemie. Well...of course he did! We will just watch it for now and hope it doesn't get any bigger. Then, he had a few other things that she mentioned to us. After this whole traumatic ordeal, Trigger had to get his shots!!!! Two in his right leg and one in his left and one orally! He was NOT a happy fact, HE HAD TEARS!!! He has never had tears. It was very sad. So...needless to say, we were all exhausted when we left Green Clinic.
Prayer Request: Please just pray for Trigger. He is a very strong boy and I know that he is going to be okay! Please pray for us. Matt and I, along with many other family members, are worried and are wanting our appointment in November to come quickly.


Emery Wilkerson said...

Garson- We are praying for you all!

2kwfoster said...

We will keep you guy in our prayers!
Keep us posted when you can.
Kory and Kaylin

auDi tHis woRld said...

An oral shot??? Never heard of it. We love you, Garson, Matt, and Trigger.

Jesus, would you bring healing to whatever things seem 'suspect' so that when Trigger sees Dr. King in November the report will be, "Whatever was suspect is gone. Your God has healed your son!" May Trigger's body touch the hem of Your garment today, Jesus!