Monday, October 27, 2008

More and more FUN!

Trigger is getting more and more fun everyday! and more and more chunky!!! It is actually an arm work out to hold him. We will go to Dr. Slusher on Wednesday and I can't wait to see how much he weighs. Maybe this time it will actually be a WELL baby check-up and we won't find out anything new. We are hoping that Dr. Slusher gives us the thumbs up to start taking Trigger out in public. I do know that we will still have to be very careful since he hasn't been approved for the RSV vaccine which is another aggravating story!
Trigger is smiling more and more! We are trying to get him on somewhat of a schedule now, and he is doing alot better at night! I have attached some pictures..The last picture has a story. It was a weekend and I had been working on school stuff all day and taking care of Trigger. I had not had a shower and it was 3ish that afternoon. I put Trigger in his bouncer and got in the shower. As soon as the water hit me, he started screaming. I thought...Let him cry. He'll be fine for a few minutes until I get out. When I got out of the shower, I was greeted with these pitiful tears!!!! Oh...I was soo sad! I picked him up and (after taking a picture) wiped away those tears and loved on my baby!!! Poor thing!!!

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