Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall is in the air!

Fall is definitely one of my favorite times of the year! For starters it means that the temperature is dropping. It also means the start of decorating the house...first with fall decorations and then...the MOST exciting...decortating for CHRISTMAS!!!! Those of you who know me and Matt, know that we LOVE decorating for Christmas. We even start decorating way before most people do. Anyway, back to fall. I love watching the leaves turn colors. And, this year we have a baby that will have lots of firsts: First Halloween, First Thanksgiving, etc.
Below I have a slide show of Trigger's most recent pictures. The "Prince" onsie came from Anna Kate (she was one of my precious children in my last year class). Then, I bought that Halloween pumpkin outfit the other day. So...we had to have a photo session with it! He is really starting to smile more. Izzy (Liz) got several smiles out of him too.

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

Cute pictures of your little "pumpkin!"