Monday, September 29, 2008

Matt's Birthday and other updates!

Matt's birthday was Sept. 13th. Because of the little one, he didn't have much of a celebration. Trigger (with the bow on his head) was one of Matt's presents. I worked really hard to get that present here!!!!!
Trigger is doing good. He sleeps almost four hours at a time at night, but he still eats every two hours during the day! We are dealing with acid reflux now. He's on zantac and had to start rice cereal in his bottle. Trigger now LOVES his bottles and usually gets very upset when you take it away to burp him. The cereal is definitely helping him add some fat to his body. In fact, we have had to "retire" alot of his newborn clothes. AND, he has moved to size 1 diapers. This probably sounds stupid, but everytime he moves up a size, I get very upset. He is growing TOO fast. In fact, he is now TWO months old. I can hardly believe it.
Liz and Mrs. Marcia (Matt's mom) keep Trigger during the day while I go to school. Right now they are coming to my house which is really nice!!!! School is going good. This time of the year at school is always very exhausting. Add a new baby to the mix and it makes for one tired mama!!!
I ALMOST FORGOT!!! Trigger had his first smile for me...I believe it was about two weeks ago! There is a picture on the slide show below of his second smile!
Okay...I've got to go get busy!!! Trigger's asleep and Matt's gone to his flag football game...time to get a few things accomplished!!! haha...

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