Saturday, September 6, 2008

Trigger's Pictures!

Trigger is getting so big! In fact, we had to go back to the doctor this past week on Wednesday to have his bilirubin checked again and he weighs...are you ready for this...7lbs 9oz...My baby is getting so big!!! And, his bilirubin has gone down a point! He is still pretty yellow especially his eyes.
Trigger is eating great...obviously. He has been working on his head control! The NICU and Dr. Slusher were very impressed with his head control. I have attached pictures of his tummy time so you can see him holding his head up!
He usually sleeps pretty good at night especially when his Grammy spends the night! :) We are still feeding him every three hours around the clock. I am going back to work full-time tomorrow...and I have very mixed feelings about it! I absolutely LOVE teaching, but it's really hard to leave my baby! I hope you enjoy the pictures.


2kwfoster said...

I understand it's hard..I'll be praying for you!
Trigger is getting so big and so handsome!
Kory and Kaylin

auDi tHis woRld said...

Great pictures, Garson! Especially the ones where you can sort of see a blurry Matt in the background cracking up when Trigger is crying! :-) What GREAT parents you are - letting your kid scream and scream while you capture it all on camera! ;-) jk. You ARE great parents! And you have a sweet, sweet baby. Can't wait for him to meet his cousin in Fort Worth!!

How has your week been back at school?

Anonymous said...

He is just so handsome!!! Brandy Haynes