Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother’s Day

Well, once again, Mother’s day did NOT go as planned.  This is the second year in a row that I could not be with all of my children/husband at once.  Campbell had been running fever so we split up…I went with Larkin to my parents for lunch and Matt went to his parents with Trigger for supper.  We did the same thing last year except that I think I was sick too last year.  Like most of the other holidays that we have missed this year, I kept seeing these beautiful pictures on fb of moms with their precious children…all dressed in their sunday clothes, ready for church.  WELL, we didn’t even get to go to church.  Campbell had to be taken to the surgical center to get his last (of three) rosefin shots and that took forever.  Matt knew that it bothered me that I hadnt even gotten a picture with my children so after the boys took naps, we took a few pictures…NONE of us are in our sunday best.  I really wanted to dress them up BUT, I just didn’t have the energy to fight the boys.  The sad part is that last sunday I was going to put Campbell in this precious sailor outfit that was Triggers (and was only worn once) and I decided at the last minute to not put him in it because I wanted to save it for him to wear on Mother’s day since it was my favorite…well, he didn’t get to wear it.  Maybe another sunday. 

ANyway, here are the best from our little mother’s day shoot.


I sure love being a momma to my three precious children…I even love taking care of them when they are sick which is good because that’s what I spend my days/weeks doing.  Ha!

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