Saturday, March 24, 2012


-Houston, we have a problem! My very good and perfect sleepers have
gone and gotten sick and sleep is a thing of the past. Campbell has
wailed. And I mean screamed to the top of his lungs from 3am-on for
the past three nights. Trigger is all of a sudden scared to be left
alone in his dark room. Larkin went from doing pretty good with
alternating one feeding a night to two feedings a night. And going
right back to sleep...and NOW she is having a hard time going back to
sleep after I nurse her.
- all of this no sleep and lots of crying (ironically, it usually
happens all three at once) has kept matt from working as many hours as
he would like to...bc I can't possibly care for three sick and crying
-let me give you a run down on mr. C! And t
    Last Wednesday- saw dr Slusher. She Thought Campbell   had pink
eye. His right eye was gunked up with green junk. And he had a runny
nose...Larkin had the runny nose too (but tested negative for RSV)
     Last thursday- in the morning, Campbell screamed nonstop while i
held him (and larkin) which was miserable. I knew he was sick!!!!!
Took him to dr Slusher and he had an ear infection in the right ear.
He started an antibiotic. His nose was green and yucky!
      Wednesday- I took trigger to see dr mcgehee. He had a horrible
cough and I didnt want it to turn into wheezing again. Started him on
an antibiotic. Said to call if not better by Friday. Campbell started
his no sleeping and crying everytime you put him in crib. Then,
trigger (after I laid in bed with him bc he was scared) went to sleep
and woke up coughing and threw up twice...all over ever part of his
sheets, Bs, etc.
      Thursday- after a horrible, horrible night, I took Campbell to
Bobby Ensminger. He had a raging throat infection. Not strep but still
contagious. I started trigger on breathing treatments bc his cough
sounded even worse. Larkin was up from 12:15-1:30; trigger was up at
1:30...until 215 and we just put him in our bed...which we have NEVER
done; Campbell was up from 3:00-5:30 (standing in his crib crying off
and on); Larkin was up at 4:30-5:30...nOT a fun night!!
     Friday- called dr slusher about triggers cough bc it was worse.
Changed his antibiotic, put him on cough meds and breathing
treatments. I also called Bobby about Campbell and got some stronger
medicine to help with his throat. I'm laying in bed now, typing this
and about to go to sleep bc everyone has been dosed and all are asleep
for the second. I just had to remember this week...
-I'm exhausted from having so many nights of no sleep...and have been
with my children every second of this church... I
need a break! :) too bad I don't get one...instead, my reward is that
i get to have them all day again tomorrow (Saturday) while matt works!
Love, love (sarcasm) busy season!
I'm sure hoping and praying we have a better, healthier week next
week!!!! We may have to re-enter our protective bubble!!!
-sorry. No pictures. I'm too tired to find one. Night night!

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