Saturday, March 3, 2012

In Cahoots

Do you know what "in cahoots" means? Well let me tell you!
In cahoots-
1. in conspiracy with someone
2. Working secretively with someone
-usage notes: usually said about doing something dishonest!

Okay. Now let me add a little picture for you!

They look innocent, huh? well let me tell you, they could definitely be the picture of "in cahoots". Remember how I posted about how I love that these two boys have had these two months to bond. They have most definitely bonded together. Here's an example of their handy work! Last night after supper, I sent the boys to the playroom while I cleaned up the kitchen and matt held Larkin! At one point, I called triggers name to ask him a question. He answered quickly and then said "momma, can you just let me play". Seriously?!? How old is he? Anyway, he shut the playroom doors after that which isn't that abnormal. After a min or so, I went to check on them. I wish I had a picture of what I saw! Campbell had taken his milk cup in there and, well, apparently he decided to pretend as though it was a water hose (I've caught him trying to do that before). On one side of the room, was campbells milk spray all over the CARPET! Then, I look over and see the two well bonded boys hunched over a tub of trucks/cars that were dumped out. Trigger had the milk cup at this point and apparently the cars/trucks were on fire and he felt the need to spray them...and I'm also guessing that the beds of the trucks were burning fast bc they were filled with milk! I'm telling you, if they become fire fighters, they will have the spraying and full coverage to get rid of a fire DOWN PAT! However, there was NO fire in our playroom. Therefore, there was no need to be spraying any liquids!!! I sooo wish I had a picture but I was too busy disciplining and trying to make a point...and I kind of thought the taking of pictures would've been poorly timed! I did raise my voice and call for these wild Indians father to enter the picture! They were sent to the rug in the dining room to wait their punishment!

Poor campbell didnt have a clue what was coming...trigger, on the other hand, well, this is something he's used to! I got stuck scrubbing carpet while the chief dealt with the Indians. They went on to bed early as part of the punishment and I clean trucks and cars. Now, I would've had them clean them but that wouldn't have been punishment. They would've loved, I cleaned them!

Let's just say that we have a new rule in our house and that is:
No milk cups out of the kitchen!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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