Friday, March 30, 2012


And so it continues...
Campbell spent the night last night (wednesday night) at my parents. I talked to Liz a million times today (Thursday)...he didn't run fever, no medicine, all morning. She put him down for a nap. An hour later he woke with 100.4....right at the fever mark. And he was screaming for mommy and daddy and kept grabbing his ear. Now please remember That we had just been to the dr on Wednesday morning and his ears and throat were clear....and got the positive flu test! :( Liz called me and said she thought he had an ear infection. Really???? It was 3pm and I knew the odds of finding a dr that would see him this late in the day. I called all of the drs that we see. One had left. One was done seeing patients...and the rest of the drs at gc were either out or booked up. So, I had Liz meet me at quick care bc there was no way I was making that baby have an ear infection without diagnosis until the morning. The nurse prac questioned the daylights out of me...argued with me about the medicine Campbell had been on and if he really had had all of those different illnesses in just two weeks...I tried to tell him that I don't make this crap up but he didn't understand how neurotic and on top of our medical care that I actually am...I think when I spouted off every dr visit in the last two weeks, the date we had been, dr we had seen, why we went, what dr said, and what medicine was given...he sort of got the picture of my OCDness. He checked campbells ears. Yep! Ear infection!!!! Checked his throat...yep!!! Another throat infection!!! Seriously!!?!!!?! This is not funny!!!!!! He decided not to test for strep because he was already going to give medicine for ears. So, we got another antibiotic...hes now on his third antibiotic in two weeks...and he's on tamiflu (which apparently tastes horrible bc we literally have to hold him down and shove it down his throat). And of course, lots of Motrin and some hydrocodone for nighttime. He is home with us now. He kept crying for me and matt while at my parents so we brought him home. We are just taking of us has Campbell. And one of us keeps Larkin away from him....have I mentioned that this is absolutely the worst timing for matt. This is his super busy working over 80 hours a week busy....and we have sick children...very sick! On top of his hectic work life. I'm really not sure how he's still going. Dr. Bobby Ensminger told us that sleep is for the weak...well, I think I'd like to be weak. ;)
Tonight (Thursday night), Larkin started sounding like she has a rattle. No fever. I'm going to call and try to get all three checked by dr Slusher tomorrow....before the weekend. I'm worried that Larkin has the flu already. I'm not sure what that means since she's only 11 weeks old. We shall see tomorrow. In preparation for going to the dr tomorrow, I typed up a note for each child with when they had been to dr, who they had seen, why, diagnosis, and medicine given...for the last two weeks. it's a little hectic when all three are there together so maybe this will help a little.

Yep. I'm a little OCD. :)
Matt just finished rocking Campbell and giving him more medicine. I just finished feeding Larkin. Its 4am and I'm hoping everyone will sleep until at least 6!

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our day

Let's back up a little bit. Campbell went to the dr last Thursday. He had a raging throat infection. We started him on a zpac. He finished it on Saturday...and he seemed better by then. Not perfect but better. Well he woke Monday morning with a noon he had fever of 101 so I gave him some Motrin. He hasnt really eaten good at all in the two weeks that he's been sick so that didn't really change. Tuesday morning, no fever. Cough was worse. By noon, he had 101.4 again. I called the drs office and made an appt for this morning. When making the appt, i honestly thought that the dr was going to think I was crazy for bringing him back in...but he was worse. This morning he woke and was okay for the first few minutes and then things went downhill quickly. I had to hold him the whole morning.

He was constantly falling asleep. Please understand that this is completely abnormal for my children.
I had to get Larkin up and nurse her so I held Campbell while nursing Larkin.

At one point Campbell woke and whimpered and acted like he wanted to get down. He slid down off the chair. He stood for less than a second and made his way down to the floor...laid down and went to sleep. Seriously...he went to sleep on the floor. And, he had slept great that night so he shouldn't have been tired...

At this point, I was no longer worried that the dr would think I was crazy. This boy was sick and he needed to go to the dr. Liz came over and kept Larkin. I took trigger to school and then took Campbell to the dr. Of course I answered several questions and he said that his ears and throat looked good. He thought it was a virus and was worried it was flu. They tested him. And yep, he has the flu!!! Seriously, I am not even joking! In two weeks he has had an eye infection, ear infection, horrible throat infection, and now the flu. And those were all four separate visits!!!! So, the dr told us to send Campbell or Larkin didn't matter which but they couldn't be together bc Larkin can not get the flu when she's this young.
Campbell had to go to zizzy and poppys. I think that (putting him in zizzys car) was one of the hardest things i have had to do as a was a little like the feeling i felt when we had to leave trigger in the nicu after we had him. Liz assured me that she would give him lots of love and hold him and rock him as much as he would allow it. But, it's still killing me!!!! Me, matt, trigger, zizzy and poppy are all on tamiflu. We are hoping this is an okay thing for me when breastfeeding. There isn't alot of research on it. Dr Slusher said that at this point the benefits outweigh the risks bc I don't need to get the flu...if I get it, she will most likely get it.
The plan is that Campbell will stay at my parents until he's fever free for 24 hours. He hasn't had fever at all today so I hope he can come home tomorrow night. What worries me is that this quarantine is probably pointless bc Campbell had fever Monday and Tuesday and was around all of us...including Larkin. We just need to pray. Larkin isn't even 3 months yet and it would NOT be good for her to have the flu!!!

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Apparently I have commitment issues.  I really never thought that I did but I guess I do.  Since we have been in our house, we have never had a room finished the way I would like it.  I get all motivated and want to buy pictures and decorations to get our house looking good.  then I start to get nervous about making a decision on what to hang. I mean once you put that hole, its there unless you want to putty it and repaint which I am not a fan of.  anyway, on one of my motivated times, I ordered one of our crystal garcia pictures (family of 3 at the time).  I ordered the biggest that I could get…when I got it in the mail…after several weeks because im also a procrastinator…We took it to Hobby Lobby to get a frame.  The only problem is that the picture I ordered was not a common size…I didn’t want to pay to have custom framing done so this picture has just been sitting around our house for about 2 years.  The other night, we moved our newer angel care monitor into Larkin’s real bed and put the old angelcare monitor in the pack and play in our room.  With those monitors, you really need something sturdy to place them on…we have a thin piece of wood under Larkin’s bed but we needed something for the pack and play…sooooooo…matt put that picture to good use. 


I have been in another one of those “let’s get the house completely decorated and things hung” phase…it won’t last, I’m sure because it never does.  Life gets busy…busier now than ever….and will only get busier…but it’s just hard to find the time and energy to decorate.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Larkins First Sunday

Larkin went to church for the first time when she was 8 weeks old. It was on march 11, 2012. We took her into big church (contemporary service). She did great. I took her out a few minutes early so I could go nurse her downstairs. Then, we went back up for Sunday school. She hasn't gone to the nursery yet because the flu and rsv have still been going around.

All of her dresses were still too big for her so she had to wear her preemie coming home outfit.
We haven't been back to church since that Sunday because all three have been sick. I'm a huge stickler for not taking my children to church unless they are most definitely not contagious...I get aggravated at the amount of people that will take their snotty children to church and throw them in the nursery to infect everyone. I probably have a bad attitude about it.
Hopefully we can go back soon.

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My new MOM bag

A couple of weeks ago, I got a new bag…it’s a Kelly Moore bag.  It’s supposed to be a camera bag but I am using it as a camera/diaper bag/purse.  I LOVE the dividers!  I have a petunia pickle bottom diaper bag that I LOVE but it just doesn’t hold everything that I need for three, I really like having my camera with me all the time AND it has a spot for my ipad too and I take it with us a lot when we are going to have to wait so the boys will have some entertainment.  I can hold tons in it so right now that is what I will carry.


I got the Libby in sapphire.  I really wanted black but they were out.  I LOVE the orange colored one but it is a rather large bag and I just didn’t think such a large bag would be good in orange.  I’m really liking the color!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

2 on 3

I have been told that going from 2 to 3 is like going from man on man defense to zone defense. I'm not really sure about the sports analogy (since i dont know much about sports other than that i played basketball and softball for a few short years bc my best friends was short lived! The sports playing, not the friendships) but I do know that three is difficult! Mainly because I don't have any older children.
And my oldest, trigger (3.5), is probably the most difficult an consumes more of my time than the other two. Anyway, tonight as I sit here feeding Larkin, I realized just how much things have changed....and just how difficult things are now. I mean. Not that I haven't thought about it before but this is just the perfect example. All three children needed to go down at the same time. Usually Larkin is timed a little different so that I can help by reading one child books. Trigger wouldn't just stay in one part of the house so I gave him a bucket, told him to get 5 books and a blanket and to head to Larkins room. He sat next to (ended up inside) larkins closet and read books quietly....well, mostly quiet. At one point he was close to volume ten while singing twinkle, twinkle...I've yet to figure out why he was singing that anyway bc it wasn't in any of his books. ;)

now if I can just figure out ways to solve all the other things like getting groceries with three children in the buggy...and no, trigger can not walk bc he takes off, takes bites out of fruit, talks to random strangers, etc.

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Worthy is the Lamb

Our church always delivers a lamb to your house to have outside when you have a baby.  Actually, for some reason, we never got one when we had Campbell.  Maybe they were all being used…who knows.  Anyway, I had been telling Matt that we needed to take Larkin’s picture beside it.  I don’t know why…I don’t have a picture of Trigger beside the lamb…and we didn’t even have a lamb with Campbell…but I just felt like we should.  It was a nice day and Matt was outside mowing so I walked down and he took our picture…and I don’t even have on makeup.  Haha!!!  Oh well…we can remember me how I look most of the time.  


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just for fun

Trigger went to church last Sunday.  I didn’t take Campbell because his nose was still green…so C stayed home with the girls.  When Trigger got home, I realized that the boys both had on yellow and navy….soooo, what did I do?  TOOK A PICTURE! ;)  IMG_2229IMG_2234

Saturday, March 24, 2012

60th Birthdays

My Aunt (Liz) and Uncle (Ivin) turned 60 in the last month.  My cousins threw them a surprise party.  It was very nice.  The food was yummy!  We couldn’t stay too long because Larkin needed to be fed.  In the picture below:  My grandmother immediately grabbed Larkin for me which was a HUGE help.  It seriously takes a village these days!  Larkin, of course since we were in public, was a perfect angel!   She was passed around between Liz, Mamaw, Aunt Dorothy (my grandmother’s sister…she’s in the purple sweater below), and me.  IMG_2193IMG_2194Campbell was excited because they had food…love that child and his chunky legs!!!IMG_2195IMG_2198When we got home, I wanted to take a picture of the kids.  No, they don’t match at all…I had a hard time finding outfits for everyone with green in them…because it was St. Patricks day.  I didn’t want my babies to get pinched.  Ha!!!!  Seriously though, I had this precious jonjon picked out that matched Trigger’s green and white shirt but I talked myself out of it because it was mostly white and I felt like that might be a little much for this early in the year.  Anyway, aren’t they precious children?!?!  I sure think so!IMG_2200IMG_2204IMG_2211IMG_2214Trigger sure LOVES his baby sister!  I’m not sure if he could love her more than he does.  It’s really so sweet to me!IMG_2218


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-Houston, we have a problem! My very good and perfect sleepers have
gone and gotten sick and sleep is a thing of the past. Campbell has
wailed. And I mean screamed to the top of his lungs from 3am-on for
the past three nights. Trigger is all of a sudden scared to be left
alone in his dark room. Larkin went from doing pretty good with
alternating one feeding a night to two feedings a night. And going
right back to sleep...and NOW she is having a hard time going back to
sleep after I nurse her.
- all of this no sleep and lots of crying (ironically, it usually
happens all three at once) has kept matt from working as many hours as
he would like to...bc I can't possibly care for three sick and crying
-let me give you a run down on mr. C! And t
    Last Wednesday- saw dr Slusher. She Thought Campbell   had pink
eye. His right eye was gunked up with green junk. And he had a runny
nose...Larkin had the runny nose too (but tested negative for RSV)
     Last thursday- in the morning, Campbell screamed nonstop while i
held him (and larkin) which was miserable. I knew he was sick!!!!!
Took him to dr Slusher and he had an ear infection in the right ear.
He started an antibiotic. His nose was green and yucky!
      Wednesday- I took trigger to see dr mcgehee. He had a horrible
cough and I didnt want it to turn into wheezing again. Started him on
an antibiotic. Said to call if not better by Friday. Campbell started
his no sleeping and crying everytime you put him in crib. Then,
trigger (after I laid in bed with him bc he was scared) went to sleep
and woke up coughing and threw up twice...all over ever part of his
sheets, Bs, etc.
      Thursday- after a horrible, horrible night, I took Campbell to
Bobby Ensminger. He had a raging throat infection. Not strep but still
contagious. I started trigger on breathing treatments bc his cough
sounded even worse. Larkin was up from 12:15-1:30; trigger was up at
1:30...until 215 and we just put him in our bed...which we have NEVER
done; Campbell was up from 3:00-5:30 (standing in his crib crying off
and on); Larkin was up at 4:30-5:30...nOT a fun night!!
     Friday- called dr slusher about triggers cough bc it was worse.
Changed his antibiotic, put him on cough meds and breathing
treatments. I also called Bobby about Campbell and got some stronger
medicine to help with his throat. I'm laying in bed now, typing this
and about to go to sleep bc everyone has been dosed and all are asleep
for the second. I just had to remember this week...
-I'm exhausted from having so many nights of no sleep...and have been
with my children every second of this church... I
need a break! :) too bad I don't get one...instead, my reward is that
i get to have them all day again tomorrow (Saturday) while matt works!
Love, love (sarcasm) busy season!
I'm sure hoping and praying we have a better, healthier week next
week!!!! We may have to re-enter our protective bubble!!!
-sorry. No pictures. I'm too tired to find one. Night night!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Silly Leprechaun

The Leprechaun came to visit the Woodard household.  Trigger thought it was not nice.  He kept saying “I will never be his friend…I will never like him…I will never play with him…never give him a PISS”.  Haha!!!!!  He’s so dramatic!  I had fun doing this for my children.  We used to do the same thing in our classroom at school and I just couldn’t resist doing the same fun things with my children. 

There were green footprints leading from the back door, through the dining room, through the den, into the breakfast area, and to the back door.  He left us some “gold” under the rainbow. 

IMG_2162IMG_2164IMG_2166I had sewn these dots together that day….Matt came in and kind of rolled his eyes at the dots. He looked closer and said, “did you sew these”. I replied, “yes, I did”. He said, “if I didn’t know better, id think you were bored.” however, he knows better…BORED? I am NOT! In fact, to accomplish this little crafting project…and I realize most of you will think this is silly of me to go through such lengths but I LOVE THIS KIND OF STUFF….I took the boys outside and they played, Larkin sat in her bouncer and I sewed OUTSIDE on our new counter.  I seriously KNOW that I have ISSUES!!!!!

Here’s a picture of my setup outside…

photo (1)

IMG_2167IMG_2168This is when Trigger first saw the footprints…he had already gotten into some chocolate from the pantry during his early morning roaming.IMG_2172The leprechaun messed up all the furniture!IMG_2173IMG_2183IMG_2185JACKPOT!!!!!IMG_2186

I have some fun ideas that I want to do next year!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Why do children like to play in the toilet…it is one of those things that I will NEVER understand!IMG_2091

SICK…but still going!

Well, we went to school for a week…went to church for the first time in forever….and after a week of being out in the world and out of our bubble, WE ARE SICK!   Trigger started it…he just had a clear runny nose.  Then, Larkin and Campbell got a clear runny nose.  I took Larkin and Campbell in because they both woke one morning with a little color.  I had to make sure it wasn’t RSV (bc it has been going around).  Well, it was OF COURSE a virus….just not RSV.  Hate that word so very much.  VIRUS=NO MEDICINE

Anyway, I was thankful it wasn’t RSV.  She did see lots of drainage on both Campbell and Trigger.  Dr. Slusher did tell me that Campbell’s tubes were out of position and no longer functioning…it has been a year so that is to be expected.  She said just to watch for high fever that would be associated with ear infections.  OH, and she thought that Campbell had conjunctivitis (pink eye)…his eye was disgusting…all matted and green.  However, I’m still not convinced of that because NO one else got it and it’s highly contagious.  Campbell also got his last HEP A shot because he wasn’t able to get it at his last well visit.  We went home and wiped noses…that was last Wednesday.

Do you see how red Larkin’s eyes are…and you can see her crusty nose.  Poor girl!IMG_2098On Wednesday night, Campbell was NOT acting himself…more clingy that normal.  I had to go into his room to rock him about four times that night…SOOOO not like him.  I’m not sure the last time I had been in his room at night.  THEN, Thursday morning, my suspicions were confirmed when Campbell screamed for a solid hour…maybe more…It was HORRIBLE!  I had to hold him screaming while holding Larkin and nursing her…then had to switch them to the other sides when it was time for her to nurse on the other side…THE WHOLE TIME CAMPBELL screamed.  Bless his heart…I KNEW he had an ear infection.  I mean…seriously?!?  Tube comes out and BAM, ear infection.  SIGH!!!!!! I took him (and Larkin in tow) back to the dr…it had been LESS than 24 hours since we were there.  YEP, Dr. SLusher said he definitely had an ear infection in his left ear.  Poor little guy!   IMG_2105I kept Motrin in him for a couple of days and that always helps some.  He felt good enough one afternoon that we made our way outside!!!  YAY!!!!  IMG_2116He wasn’t happy because Trigger was pulling on his truck.  IMG_2120IMG_2126As of today, we still all have runny noses.  Trigger has been having major meltdowns and I suspect an ear infection but he completely denies it one minute and then will make a comment that it hurts “just a little bit” the next minute.  He is at the age where he knows that the dr can do things that are less than pleasant so he tries to avoid a dr visit!  It’s hard for me to tell if my boys have ear infections because about 75% of the time, they do NOT run fever with their ear infections…which is good but makes it hard to determine when to go to the dr.  IMG_2134IMG_2139Both of my boys get red cheeks very easily….IMG_2154IMG_2158IMG_2159

I’m hoping that is our one and only illness for awhile.  But, I’m not naïve…I’m sure we will be back at GC in no time.  I do hate that Larkin, at 2 months, has already been sick!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Papaw!

My father in law turned 66 on February 28th.  We celebrated a couple of weekends later after Larkin had been cleared to get out.  We had a wonderful supper…dessert was a strawberry cake…which matt made very clear that I need to make it often for him.  However, I am here to tell you that there are some things that I just don’t do…I love to eat that strawberry cake but I hate, hate, hate to make it.  I made it ONE time and that is enough for me…do you see how imperfect it is…well, that is just how it is when you make it… the icing runs everywhere.  it’s really enough to do this OCD girl in!!!  Matt laid it on thick in front of his WHOLE family that IF I loved him, I would make it for him because it is his “absolute favorite”. 

Jennifer and I laughed because it took all three (matt, corbin, and clay) to get the candles lit.  IMG_2059Then, we ALL laughed because Mr. Jerry blew out the candles right afterwards…as soon as we started singing…instead of waiting until we were finished.  I guess he didn’t really care when you are supposed to blow them out…he was ready so he blew!  Haha!IMG_2061IMG_2063My niece, Chelsea, is soooo good with our children.  I tell Jennifer all the time that I need her to come stay with me so I can have an extra pair of hands (RESPONSIBLE HANDS)!!!!  Trigger and Campbell just LOVE her.  Campbell will let her hold him all day long.  And I know that Larkin will love her just as much as the boys do.  IMG_2067IMG_2068Im constantly impressed with how good Campbell is with a fork and spoon.  He is less messy than Trigger is at eating.  He always insists that he have a fork or a spoon to eat…even if it’s something that we usually don’t use a utensil to eat.  IMG_2072The Woodard Clan…this is it.  There won’t be anymore.  Jennifer and I are out of the baby making business! ;)IMG_2076Larkin enjoyed herself too…she got passed around and was happy being held.IMG_2085And Trigger is in LOVE with this precious little girl.  He loves playing with Anna Grace.  She is so sweet to him and puts up with Trigger being Trigger! Ha!!!!IMG_2086

Mr. Jerry is one of the sweetest men I have ever known.  He has such a kind heart and is ALWAYS helping someone out!!! We are thankful that the boys get to spend so much time with him!