Friday, November 2, 2012

Reid’s Party

Reid turned TWO on October 20th.  It was a circus theme and so cute!  Trigger had a soccer game that Matt was helping coach so we all went to the game for a little bit.  Then, I left with Larkin and Campbell and headed to the party.  It was at my parents and Campbell had a great time!  IMG_7476IMG_7485This is my brother, Seth, Vanna, Reid, and Jake.IMG_7491Look at this adorable cake!  I love it!IMG_7492And look at that precious face…IMG_7493IMG_7495IMG_7503

I wish I had gotten some pictures of Trigger…they came right after the game was over but somehow I missed getting pictures of him…and I didn’t get a single one of larkin either…probably because she was on my hip the whole time!  Ha!

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