Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mamaw’s Reunion

My grandmother decided to have a reunion for her side of the family.  Her sister is very ill and she was coming into town so it was the perfect weekend.  I was a little sad for my grandmother because a lot of her family ended up not being able to come…so it really was just the crew that gets together on most holidays.  But, it was still nice to see everyone. 

The kids decided they wanted to skate which is funny because most of them had never attempted before!  IMG_7560IMG_7561IMG_7562IMG_7566Let’s just say that it didn’t last long for most of them!IMG_7570IMG_7572IMG_7576Larkin, of course, was tired because she was missing her nap…AND she was sick.  However, I have to say that she hasn’t been sick since this illness several weeks ago.  PRAISE THE LORD!IMG_7581IMG_7584IMG_7585IMG_7590Our Family.IMG_7599This is Mamaw, Campbell, and Aunt Evelyn.IMG_7602Aunt DeannaIMG_7603IMG_7607IMG_7608Trigger absolutely loves playing with Josiah.  I think they both have that first born personality through and through! :)IMG_7611Aunt Chelse and LarkinIMG_7616And, I will leave you with this sweet smile!IMG_7622

Sorry that was brief.  ONCE AGAIN, trying to play catch up.

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