Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm not opposed to the great outdoors

I don't necessarily love being outside when it's 100 degrees but it's inevitable with two boys. Trigger is very very active and NEEDS outside time. I'm making an effort to take him outside first thing after breakfast in the morning so that he can expel some energy...in hopes that he will be a little more calm and I hopefully don't harm him. ;) I'm only kidding, of course!!!
The problem with this new scheduled outside time is that I desperately need Campbell's morning nap time to clean up after breakfast...and today, start the first of about 10 (yep, 10!) loads of laundry!!!! Not to mention that I've already had a shower for the day and now I'm sitting out here melting!!!! I told Trigger that he had 30 minutes. Well, the problem is that if you come out for even 2 minutes, you might as well stay all day...after 7 minutes, this is what trigger looked like.

And this...bc of course we can't keep any shoes on..I just hope he knows where he left them!!!

And then he smiled for me and said "tank tuu, momma...tank tuu taking my picture". Sweet boy!!!

Soooo...we have approximately 1 minute left until the timer goes off and it'll be time to go inside. We will head into the cool, get a bath :(, and change clothes AGAIN!!! But, that's after I drag him in kicking and screaming. Whew..wish me luck. Alarm just went off!

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