Monday, January 19, 2009

ive joined the madness!

I am officially on facebook now. DEFINITELY not a good thing for me. I don't need anymore distractions in my life. Oh well! It has really been nice to have a way to catch up with old friends. I have gotten to "talk" with so many people that I went to school with so that's neat! Anyway, life has been busy of course. BUT, lots of fun. We have had an excellent weekend. Matt has a cold and hasn't felt great so we've just hung out at the house all weekend. We even had a fire going all day Saturday! I absolutely love a WOOD fire...something about the smell and the crackling noise makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.
Yesterday, I ran across this blog ( through Katherine Asher. Kelly has just had a baby girl and she was full term. Harper (the baby) is not doing well. They had to transport her to Tulsa to a children's hospital. At this point they are not sure exactly what is wrong but they believe she has some heart issues. Kelly (the mom) is a strong believer in Jesus! and she has asked for everyone to pray for their precious baby. From what the doctors and nurses were saying in the beginning, it is already a miracle that she's still alive. Her story really got to me and Matt. We were worried about Trigger when he was in the NICU but it was NOTHING that was life threatening. I just know that it's an emotional roller coaster to not have your baby home with you and to leave him/her in some else's care. Please pray for this family. The mom's name is Kelly, dad is Scott, and baby is Harper! I know that God can heal Harper. Even though we dont know her, please join us in praying for her!
Trigger hast learned a new trick. I posted pictures for you to see!

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