Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Day

This was Trigger's First Christmas. We had a blast with him! Of course his favorite thing to do was to grab the paper, ribbons, or anything else he could find and put it STRAIGHT into his mouth (you will see many pictures of things in his mouth)!
Christmas morning we woke up and Matt went to fix sausage balls and a fire while I gave Trigger his morning bottle. Then, we all went in the den to see what Santa had brought! After opening all of our presents, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I sat back and relaxed all day (until supper). I have always rushed to get to lunch somewhere. Matt and I decided that Trigger had already had two days of going places so we stayed home. It was so nice just to spend some quality time with my family! After alot of relaxing (...if you can call it relaxing...relaxing with a baby!), we went to my Mamaw and Papaw's house. Papaw had his very own Santa suit. For MANY years, he was one of Santa's special helpers at First National Bank in Arcadia. I was so glad that he dressed up so that Trigger could have his picture made with him. I have so many pictures of me with Santa (aka Papaw). We got a picture of all three great grandsons. Then, one with all of the great grandkids. If you look closely, Trigger was doing great in the pictures. Then, he heard Brannon crying and he got upset as well. I love the picture with Brannon and Trigger screaming!!! We had a great time at Mamaw' is getting more and more crowded every year. I can't wait to see if we have any more additions next year!!!!

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