Thursday, January 29, 2009

6 months old!

Trigger is 6 months old TODAY! I can hardly believe that it has been 6 months since we gave birth to our little miracle. Trigger has been such a blessing. Yes, it has been a very tiring 6 months (especially since I went back to work at 5 weeks!). But, it was all worth it and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
We took Trigger to his well baby visit on Tuesday. He now weighs 16lbs 1oz (25th percentile) and 26.75 inches (50th percentile). Dr. Slusher said that he has definitely caught up...hard to believe that he started out as an itty bitty 4lb 5oz baby! He's come a long way!!!! While at the doctor, he got his shots...3 in one leg and one in the other! He screamed and then silent cried for what seemed like forever. Even the two nurses were starring at him! Poor baby. Trigger has been a little under the weather. He has a cold but he's getting better.
Sleeping: The last two nights have been excellent. Matt has only had to get up twice each night to put a pacifier in! Hopefully tonight will be a good night because Matt has small group in the morning at 530 so I am on my own for awhile. As we speak, the little man is already crying...uh oh...not a good sign!
Well..I've got to try to get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a long day! BTW, I did take pictures of Trigger today but I did not have the energy to find the card reader and download them. I hate doing maybe next time!!! SORRY!

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