Sunday, August 3, 2008

Woodard Family Updates

This will be quick because I am ready to go to sleep...but, I wanted to let you know how we are doing! I was discharged from the hospital on Friday and I am doing great. Thank goodness I didn't have a C-sectioin because we have been going and going since I was discharged which doesn't leave time for rest!!
Trigger, on the other hand, is still in the NICU. He had almost mastered the "maintaining temperature in the isolette (box)for 24 hours" when his bilirubin came back at 17. So...he had to be put on the bili light and lay on the bili blanket. You'll see some precious pictures of our little glow worm in the slideshows below. He gets to wear some cool shades too which I don't think he likes too much. We are going to Shreveport everyday to feed and "visit" with him. He can only be taken out of his box for feedings so we are trying to make it to as many as we can. We are definitely getting to know his personality. As Matt has said for awhile now, he doesn't like to be put in a box. I don't think he really likes to do what's "normal". For example, the nurses put him on top of the bili blanket and seconds later, he is cuddled in the corner. I think he's going to be a hand full!! Aren't all boys? Haha!!! We are not sure when Trigger will get to come home. We are hoping for this week sometime. Anyway, I have posted three new slideshows of pictures we have taken of Trigger. I hope you enjoy and I will try to keep you updated.


auDi tHis woRld said...

Hey Garson and Matt! Glad to hear that you are finally out of the hospital - I know you are anxious for Trigger to be home with you. I'm certain the Lord will bring him home soon! We love you!

The Tylers said...

He is precious and will be out of the NICU in no time. I can only immagine the stress of having to some from Ruston, but take it one day at a time and enjoy your precious time with him. Prayers are with you!